Current Wowcraft build: 3.3.3.
My last post was about a Tekkub addon and so is this one! Gnomish Vendor Shrinker (Curse|Wowinterface). How did I live before this addon, I don't know. Actually, I've always hated the default vendor display. The obsession with icon size, the truncated names, the part where I had to cull through page after page after page of stuff I didn't want to find the one piece of gear I did want... the terrifying fear that I would click the wrong item and waste badges (this was before the 'sell back to vendor for refund' function which is AMAZING, thank you Blizzard)....
If only I'd known more about addons then.
This particular screenshot is from my leetle shammy's view of one of the JC vendors. There's kind of a lot going on here.
First of all, most generically, observe how neat and organized GVS makes the vendor box. Gone are the screen-hogging icons that tell you so little. The emphasis is on the name of the item, and all items are arranged in a single, easily-scrollable column, with price displayed clearly on the right-hand side. For items you need to buy in bulk (reagents, water), you click the little right-arrow and it brings up the quantity box.
If I were looking at the Emblem of Triumph vendor while on my, say, priest who can only wear cloth, items she cannot wear would be highlighted in red. Similarly, items you cannot purchase or use for a level insufficient-skill or reputation reason are highlighted in red.
As you can see from this screenshot, my shaman can potentially learn all of these recipes, but the only one she knows is the Insightful. Thus, it is not blue, while all the ones she can still learn are blue. How handy!
I should point out that there is a itsy-bitsy code issue when you initially install GVS; Tekkub did something odd with the number code, I think he runs a font-replacement addon that makes the code as written look better for him. For everyone else, when you get this addon:
- Open Interface/Addons/GnomishVendorShrinker/GnomishVendorShrinker.lua
- Search for NumberFontNormalSmall
- There are 2 copies of it
- Change them both to GameFontNormalSmall
- Save the lua and load Wowcraft. Your numbers will now appear normal.
To anyone who's been frustrated with the vendors for any reason that I listed above, give this addon a try. I really think it will make your gameplay just a little bit better. Enjoy!