Gear List: HOTT Accessories
Current Wowcraft build: 4.2.0.
HOTT Index
I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you use this list only as a starting guide, but do your own poking around, check Wowhead, check Atlasloot, and build your own list. If I've missed a piece of gear you feel should be on this list, please don't hesitate to drop me a note about it. I'm just one person, I can't make a complete 10m raid's gear list on my own without a few holes.
ALSO: Excepting the occasional Sarth25 or Onyxia10 drop, I have avoided linking raid gear. So many of those pieces have a less than 50% drop rate so if you want to look those up and add them to your personal list, I encourage you to do so. This list is intended to be more of a cheat-sheet, the easiest ways to get the necessary ilvl. Priority is crafting, JP, and 5m dungeons.
226 Necks are available for 405 JP. 226 Relics for 243 JP. 213 Cloaks and Rings for 347 JP. Some 200 Trinkets for 348 JP.
NECK - Str
-- Shard of the Crystal Forest (226) dodge/hit - 405 JP
-- Spiked Battleguard Choker (226) hit/crit - 405 JP
-- Nexus War Champion Beads (226) dodge/parry - reward for completing the Maly25 'keying' quest
-- Painfully Sharp Choker (219) POSreg (Tyrannus)
-- The Warlord's Depravity (219) HTOC (BK)
-- Eerie Runeblade Polisher (219) dodge/parry - HORreg (Falric)
-- Tapestry of the Frozen Throne (219) hit/crit - HORreg (chest)
-- Platinum Mesh Cloak (213) dodge/hit - 347 JP
-- Drape of the Undefeated (200) crit/haste - TOC5reg (BK)
-- Etched Ring of the Kirin Tor (226) crit/expt - Harold Winston
-- Mark of the Relentless (219) dodge/parry - HTOC (cache)
-- Purloined Wedding Ring (219) crit/haste - POSreg (Ick)
-- Signet of the Impregnable Fortress (213) dodge/hit/expt - 347 JP
NECK - agi
-- Broach of the Wailing Night (226) crit/haste - 405 JP
-- Favor of the Dragon Queen (226) crit/haste - reward for completing the Maly25 'keying' quest
-- Ancient Pendant of Arathor (219) crit/haste - HTOC
CLOAK - agi
-- Accursed Crawling Cape (219) FOSreg (Devourer)
-- Hammerhead Sharkskin Cloak (213) - 347 JP
RING - Agi
-- Etched Band of the Kirin Tor (226) crit/haste - Harold Winston
-- Ring of Carnelian and Bone (219) crit/haste - POSreg (Garfrost)
-- Ring of Invincibility (213) crit/haste - 347 JP
CASTING (by which I assume Int)
NECK - Int
-- Evoker's Charm (226) spirit/haste - 405JP
-- Frozen Tear of Elune (226) spirit/crit - 405JP
-- Wyrmrest Necklace of Power (226) hit/haste - reward for completing the Maly25 'keying' quest
-- Life-Binder's Locket (226) spirit/crit - reward for completing the Maly25 'keying' quest
-- Coil of Missing Gems (219) FOSreg (Devourer)
-- Symbol of Redemption (219) spirit/crit - HTOC (BK)
CLOAK - int
-- Pennant Cloak (226) crit/haste - Sarth25
-- Cloak of the Fallen Cardinal (219) spirit/crit - POSreg (Tyrannus)
-- Kurisu's Indecision (219) hit/crit - HTOC (Eadric)
-- Cloak of Kea Feathers (213) spirit/haste - 347 JP
-- Disguise of the Kumiho (213) less spirit/more haste - 347 JP
RING - int
-- Etched Loop of the Kirin Tor (226) spirit - Harold Winston
-- Etched Signet of the Kirin Tor (226) crit/haste - Harold Winston
-- Sinner's Confession (219) hit/crit - HTOC (Confessor)
-- Spiteful Signet (219) spirit/crit - FOSreg (Devourer)
-- Band of Channeled Magic (213) spirit/haste - 347 JP
-- Renewal of Life (213) spirit/crit - 347 JP
-- Wyrmrest Band (213) spirit/haste - Sarth25
Unless I'm doing something crazy-wrong, it looks like every above-ilvl-200 trinket is acquired through raiding. Since I already split out the Int and Spirit trinkets, I'm going to leave that alone, but here is a link to ilvl-200-only trinkets. I will pull out some links of trinkets worth pursuing for non-int/spirit characters below.
-- Ancient Pickled Egg (200)
-- Darkmoon Card: Greatness (200)
-- Darkmoon Card: Illusion (200)
-- Tears of the Vanquished (200) TOC5reg (BK)
-- The Egg of Mortal Essence (200) - 348 JP
I must be doing something wrong with the search restrictions...
-- Darkmoon Card: Greatness (200)
TRINKET - non-int/spirit
-- Abyssal Rune (200) haste/harmspell - TOC5reg
-- Banner of Victory (200) crit/AP-chance - TOC5reg (Confessor)
-- Darkmoon Card: Death (200) crit/shadow dmg chance
-- Darkmoon Card: Greatness (200) the Strength one
-- Darkmoon Card: Greatness (200) the Agility one
-- Majestic Dragon Figurine (200) gain Spirit on spell cast - Sarth10
-- Mirror of Truth (200) crit/AP-chance - 348 JP
-- Sundial of the Exiled (200) crit/SP-chance - 348 JP
-- The Black Heart (200) STAM/armor-chance - TOC5reg (BK)
-- Valor Medal of the First War (200) dodge/use-dodge - 348 JP
Since my main didn't use relics, I'm not sure how best to divvy this up.
Here are all relics 226 and below. It looks like all the 226 ones are purchasable for 243 JP. So I'm guessing that whatever you play, if you use a Relic, you can get one easily enough.
HOTT Index
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