Gear List: HOTT Leather
Current Wowcraft build: 4.2.0.
HOTT Index
I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you use this list only as a starting guide, but do your own poking around, check Wowhead, check Atlasloot, and build your own list. If I've missed a piece of gear you feel should be on this list, please don't hesitate to drop me a note about it. I'm just one person, I can't make a complete 10m raid's gear list on my own without a few holes.
ALSO: Excepting the occasional Sarth25 drop, I have avoided linking raid gear. So many of those pieces have a less than 50% drop rate so if you want to look those up and add them to your personal list, I encourage you to do so. This list is intended to be more of a cheat-sheet, the easiest ways to get the necessary ilvl. Priority is crafting, JP, and 5m dungeons.
REGARDING LEATHER: I have never played a leather wearer past, like, 20, so this list is going to be split up into 'casty' and 'agi'; I'm assuming you'll know which of those you'll need better than I would.
Leather Helm
226 set helmet tokens are 770JP (or drop from Thorim25).
-- Mask of Distant Memory (219) hit/crit - HTOC (BK)
-- Headpiece of Reconciliation (226) spirit/haste - Sarth25
-- Fallen Sentry's Hood (219) crit/haste - HORreg (Falric)
Leather Shoulder
The 226 set shoulders are boss-drop only, a token off Yogg-Saron 25m. The 219 set shoulders come from Thorim 10m.
-- Bewildering Shoulderpads (219) crit/haste - FOSreg (Bronjahm)
-- Grim Lasher Shoulderguards (219) spirit/crit - HORreg (chest)
Leather Chest
226 set token for 770 JP (or from Hodir25m).
I hope the way I set the Wowhead filter isn't excluding something somehow. My apologies if I messed this one up.
-- Blackened Geist Ribs (219) hit/haste - HORreg (chest)
-- Robes of the Cheating Heart (219) spirit/haste - FOSreg (Bronjahm)
Leather Wrist
The pittance of non-raid options is more than made up for in the fact that the easiest option is the 213 BOE 347JP, which your main can buy and mail to your HOTT char. 213 is not ideal for HOTT, but it's better than a 200 blue.
-- Armbands of the Wary Lookout (219) hit/crit - HTOC
-- Wristwraps of the Cutthroat (213) crit/haste - BOE 347JP
-- Unless I did it wrong, there are no non-raid 219 Int bracers.
-- Bands of the Great Tree (213) spirit - BOE 347JP
Leather Gloves
226 non-tier gloves are available for 487JP. 226 set gloves are a rare drop (2-3%) from Emalon25, or the tokens are from Mimiron25 or Freya10 (219).
-- Gloves of the Blind Stalker (226) crit/haste - 487JP
-- Carpal Tunnelers (219) crit/haste - HORreg (Marwyn)
-- Grips of the Secret Grove (226) spirit/crit - 487JP
-- Gloves of Dismal Fortune (219) crit/haste - HTOC
Leather Waist
There are two good options, either a 226 crafted belt from a rare-ish-drop pattern from Ulduar bosses (10mHards and 25mReg), or a 226 belt for 487 JP.
-- Death-Warmed Belt (226) hit/crit - Ulduar pattern
-- Belt of the Twilight Assassin (226) hit/expt - 487 JP
-- Flayer's Black Belt (219) crit/expt - POSreg (Garfrost)
-- Belt of Arctic Life (226) spirit/haste - Ulduar pattern
-- Belt of the Living Thicket (226) spirit/haste - 487 JP.
-- Does not seem to be a 219 casty belt.
Leather Legs
226 non-set pants are vendor-bought for 770JP. The 226 set pants have a rare chance of dropping from Emalon25, or the token comes from Freya25reg. 219 set pants come from Emalon10 or a token from Hodir10.
-- Shaggy Wyrmleather Leggings (219) crit/haste) - POSreg (Tyrannus)
-- Leggings of the Snowy Bramble (219) crit/haste - HTOC
Leather Feet
Again, a good option here is a 226 crafted boots from a rare-ish-drop pattern from Ulduar bosses (10mHards and 25mReg). There are also 213 boots for 417JP if you have to; again, not ideal to go into Algalon with 213 but it's better than 200.
-- Footpads of Silence (226) hit/crit - Ulduar pattern
-- Treads of Dismal Fortune (219) crit/expt - HTOC
-- Boots of Captain Ellis (213) crit/haste - 417JP
-- Boots of Wintry Endurance (226) spirit/crit - Ulduar pattern
-- Barkhide Treads (219) hit/crit - HTOC (Eadric)
-- Rainey's Chewed Boots (213) spirit - 417JP
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