Current Wowcraft build: 4.0.3
Whoops! Almost-kinda-maybe breaking my NYR already... to make one post per week. Mayyybeee if I count it as 'per raid week' I'm still good? It's only Monday night. (*shifty eyes*)
I like tracking things. This is why I like Overachiever and Altoholic and Ara Broker Reputations (which I call FactionsFu in my head half the time) and QuestGuru's tracking box. I like the new guild xp system. I wanted a way to easily see how much guild xp has already been gotten and will be gotten and... you know. Stuff. The whole point of LDB is to easily see whatever you want.
GuildXP (Curse|
What you see in the LDB display (actually a feature I requested on his Curse page) is the Daily percentage remaining, which counts down from 100%, and the current level and percentage of the guild as a whole, which counts up from 0%. At first this was a little backwards to me, and I guess if I knew how to edit lua stuff I might change that, but after a while you get used to it. When you mouse over, the display drops down and spells stuff out for you. With the default guild interface, yeah you see the blue bar and you can mouse over for a bit of information, but it's so... general. GuildXP feels much more precise.
I really love the 'days till next level' feature, but I should point out that it continually calculates that number throughout the day. So, if your guild is has 22% remaining for the day but it's only 4pm and you're pretty sure you're going to get daycapped, GuildXP doesn't take that into account. It treats the moment you look as assuming that the day is 'over'. So really, the only time you can 'trust' the 'days till next level' is if no xp has been gotten that day, or if your guild is daycapped. On the other hand, it will never be off by more than one day. And if you're that paranoid about knowing exactly when your guild is going to ding the next level, please check out for the very large chart about halfway down the page.
I've noticed that often, GuildXP doesn't update unless you throw your mouse over it to get the dropdown to pop up for a second. But you know, that's ok. I'm sure the servers don't mind yet another addon pinging every 5 seconds anyway.
If you like more accurate percentages than the default ui can offer you, or if you like to be able to predict when the next level will come, check out GuildXP.
(No, this addon does not tell you when you will be rep-capped for the week. If you want to know, go to Roster tab, Weekly XP dropdown, find your name. If the number says 1575002, you are capped for guild rep this week. The internet needs to stop freaking out, like it's hard to figure out when you're going to be rep-capped. It's not. L2read, internet.)