Current Wowcraft build: 3.3.2.
Here's an addon that is on the list of Addons that Might Not Fit Your Playstyle. If you're not a person who puts a lot of stock in getting achievements, you might not find this one useful. However, if you're like me and like to chase achievements, this is definitely an addon for the List of Addons You Should Love Too: Overachiever by Tuhljin.
I originally found Overachiever (Curse|Wowinterface) way back before Blizzard locked the Achievements Display frame into their Objectives thing. I was looking for an addon that would allow me to display 2 achievements on the screen at the same time (now you can track multiple achievements in the Objectives Tracker, but you couldn't then), and I downloaded Overachiever at first based solely on the ability to move my tracking-progress achievements to another point on the screen. Turns out Overachiever is about a skidrillion times more awesome than that.
Where to start?
Overacheiver makes the Achievement box (Y or Shift-Y, depending on your keybindings) moveable.
Overachiever has a Suggestions tab (suggestions for uncompleted acheivements based on your current zone) and a user-generated Watch tab (currently this tab is not split per character; if you Watch an achievement on one character, it will be viewable by all chars on your account).
Overachiever will add certain things to the mousover-tooltips of certain in-game characters, npcs, and world items. Need to feather a dwarf rogue? Mousing over a dwarf rogue will display a red line in your tooltip. Already put snow on a drae priest? The tooltip line is green. Haven't loved a squirrel yet? Red line. Already killed a spider? (Good for you.) Green line. Need to read this book for Well Read or Higher Learning? Red line. Already done it? Green. (The holiday ones are toggle-able in the options, so un-feathered dwarf rogues aren't telling you HEY I NEED FEATHERS in like July X D.) I believe it will allow you to attach a sound (from a pre-set list of game noises) to the situations where you find a red line, so if you're in Dalaran looking for a freakin' Undead Warrior, mousing over one would play that sound. I don't play with that particular option, but maybe you would find it interesting.
This image is from the Wowinterface download page for Overachiever, and clicking the link will take you to that page, which also has other great screenshots of Overachiever in action:
Overachiever will also tell if you if you have or haven't eaten a food yet, but it does not query the server for this information, so when you first install it, it will tell you that you haven't consumed a food or a water that you know you've drunk a hundred times already.
Overachiver will tell you what comes next in chain-achievements. (That is also a link to the Wowinterface image.)
Tuhljin also wrote an addon called Achieved! (Curse|Wowinterface) Achieved! is a small addon who's sole purpose is to allow you to move the just-completed-an-achievement frames around on the screen, and also increase the duration that they are on the screen. It also works on the Random Dungeon Completion frames.
I love having Overachiever, and if you like achievements, I really feel you will find this addon a wonderful help.
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