Gear List: HOTT Accessories
Current Wowcraft build: 4.2.0.
HOTT Index
I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you use this list only as a starting guide, but do your own poking around, check Wowhead, check Atlasloot, and build your own list. If I've missed a piece of gear you feel should be on this list, please don't hesitate to drop me a note about it. I'm just one person, I can't make a complete 10m raid's gear list on my own without a few holes.
ALSO: Excepting the occasional Sarth25 or Onyxia10 drop, I have avoided linking raid gear. So many of those pieces have a less than 50% drop rate so if you want to look those up and add them to your personal list, I encourage you to do so. This list is intended to be more of a cheat-sheet, the easiest ways to get the necessary ilvl. Priority is crafting, JP, and 5m dungeons.
226 Necks are available for 405 JP. 226 Relics for 243 JP. 213 Cloaks and Rings for 347 JP. Some 200 Trinkets for 348 JP.
NECK - Str
-- Shard of the Crystal Forest (226) dodge/hit - 405 JP
-- Spiked Battleguard Choker (226) hit/crit - 405 JP
-- Nexus War Champion Beads (226) dodge/parry - reward for completing the Maly25 'keying' quest
-- Painfully Sharp Choker (219) POSreg (Tyrannus)
-- The Warlord's Depravity (219) HTOC (BK)
-- Eerie Runeblade Polisher (219) dodge/parry - HORreg (Falric)
-- Tapestry of the Frozen Throne (219) hit/crit - HORreg (chest)
-- Platinum Mesh Cloak (213) dodge/hit - 347 JP
-- Drape of the Undefeated (200) crit/haste - TOC5reg (BK)
-- Etched Ring of the Kirin Tor (226) crit/expt - Harold Winston
-- Mark of the Relentless (219) dodge/parry - HTOC (cache)
-- Purloined Wedding Ring (219) crit/haste - POSreg (Ick)
-- Signet of the Impregnable Fortress (213) dodge/hit/expt - 347 JP
NECK - agi
-- Broach of the Wailing Night (226) crit/haste - 405 JP
-- Favor of the Dragon Queen (226) crit/haste - reward for completing the Maly25 'keying' quest
-- Ancient Pendant of Arathor (219) crit/haste - HTOC
CLOAK - agi
-- Accursed Crawling Cape (219) FOSreg (Devourer)
-- Hammerhead Sharkskin Cloak (213) - 347 JP
RING - Agi
-- Etched Band of the Kirin Tor (226) crit/haste - Harold Winston
-- Ring of Carnelian and Bone (219) crit/haste - POSreg (Garfrost)
-- Ring of Invincibility (213) crit/haste - 347 JP
CASTING (by which I assume Int)
NECK - Int
-- Evoker's Charm (226) spirit/haste - 405JP
-- Frozen Tear of Elune (226) spirit/crit - 405JP
-- Wyrmrest Necklace of Power (226) hit/haste - reward for completing the Maly25 'keying' quest
-- Life-Binder's Locket (226) spirit/crit - reward for completing the Maly25 'keying' quest
-- Coil of Missing Gems (219) FOSreg (Devourer)
-- Symbol of Redemption (219) spirit/crit - HTOC (BK)
CLOAK - int
-- Pennant Cloak (226) crit/haste - Sarth25
-- Cloak of the Fallen Cardinal (219) spirit/crit - POSreg (Tyrannus)
-- Kurisu's Indecision (219) hit/crit - HTOC (Eadric)
-- Cloak of Kea Feathers (213) spirit/haste - 347 JP
-- Disguise of the Kumiho (213) less spirit/more haste - 347 JP
RING - int
-- Etched Loop of the Kirin Tor (226) spirit - Harold Winston
-- Etched Signet of the Kirin Tor (226) crit/haste - Harold Winston
-- Sinner's Confession (219) hit/crit - HTOC (Confessor)
-- Spiteful Signet (219) spirit/crit - FOSreg (Devourer)
-- Band of Channeled Magic (213) spirit/haste - 347 JP
-- Renewal of Life (213) spirit/crit - 347 JP
-- Wyrmrest Band (213) spirit/haste - Sarth25
Unless I'm doing something crazy-wrong, it looks like every above-ilvl-200 trinket is acquired through raiding. Since I already split out the Int and Spirit trinkets, I'm going to leave that alone, but here is a link to ilvl-200-only trinkets. I will pull out some links of trinkets worth pursuing for non-int/spirit characters below.
-- Ancient Pickled Egg (200)
-- Darkmoon Card: Greatness (200)
-- Darkmoon Card: Illusion (200)
-- Tears of the Vanquished (200) TOC5reg (BK)
-- The Egg of Mortal Essence (200) - 348 JP
I must be doing something wrong with the search restrictions...
-- Darkmoon Card: Greatness (200)
TRINKET - non-int/spirit
-- Abyssal Rune (200) haste/harmspell - TOC5reg
-- Banner of Victory (200) crit/AP-chance - TOC5reg (Confessor)
-- Darkmoon Card: Death (200) crit/shadow dmg chance
-- Darkmoon Card: Greatness (200) the Strength one
-- Darkmoon Card: Greatness (200) the Agility one
-- Majestic Dragon Figurine (200) gain Spirit on spell cast - Sarth10
-- Mirror of Truth (200) crit/AP-chance - 348 JP
-- Sundial of the Exiled (200) crit/SP-chance - 348 JP
-- The Black Heart (200) STAM/armor-chance - TOC5reg (BK)
-- Valor Medal of the First War (200) dodge/use-dodge - 348 JP
Since my main didn't use relics, I'm not sure how best to divvy this up.
Here are all relics 226 and below. It looks like all the 226 ones are purchasable for 243 JP. So I'm guessing that whatever you play, if you use a Relic, you can get one easily enough.
HOTT Index
Friday, November 11, 2011
Gear List: HOTT Weapons
Gear List: HOTT Weapons
Current Wowcraft build: 4.2.0.
HOTT Index
I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you use this list only as a starting guide, but do your own poking around, check Wowhead, check Atlasloot, and build your own list. If I've missed a piece of gear you feel should be on this list, please don't hesitate to drop me a note about it. I'm just one person, I can't make a complete 10m raid's gear list on my own without a few holes.
ALSO: While priority is still 5m dungeons, I have linked some of the quicker raids, mostly Onyxia10. I have also included some ilvl200 weapons that aren't hard to get, just in case you get to crunch time and the bosses just won't drop your weapon for you.
Main-hand/one-hand 1H A/M/S - Str gt 1 - primarily meant as a tank list
-- Falric's Wrist-Chopper (232) HHOR (Falric)
-- Rimefang's Claw (232) HPOS (Tyrannus)
-- Lucky Old Sun (219) FOSreg (Bronjahm)
-- Peacekeeper Blade (219) HTOC
-- Red Sword of Courage (200) H UP (Ymiron)
-- Teldrassil Protector (200) Tourney
Shields, Str gt 1
Your two non-raid options?
-- Splintered Door of the Citadel (219) HORreg (Marwyn)
-- Crygil's Discarded Plate Panel (200) 348JP
2H A/M/S/P - Str gr 1
-- Keen Obsidian Edged Blade (232) Onyxia10
-- Tyrannical Beheader (232) HPOS (Tyrannus)
-- Edge of Ruin (219) HTOC
-- Garfrost's Two-Ton Hammer (219) POSreg (Garfrost)
-- Mourning Malice (219) HORreg (chest)
-- Claymore of the Prophet (200) Tourney
1H A/M/S - Agi gt 1 - primarily meant as a dps list
-- Black Icicle (232) HHOR (chest)
-- Liar's Tongue (232) HHOR (chest)
-- Nighttime (232) HFOS (Bronjahm)
-- Tankard O' Terror (226) BOE
-- Aledar's Battlestar (219) HTOC (Eadric)
-- Ghoulslicer (219) HORreg (Falric)
-- Hate-Forged Cleaver (219) HORreg (chest)
-- Grasscutter (200) - 550 JP
-- Ironforge Smasher (200) Tourney
2H A/M/S/P/Staff - Agi gt 1
-- Orca-Hunter's Harpoon (232) HHOR (Marwyn)
-- Reclaimed Shadowstrike (232) Onyxia10
-- Reclaimed Thunderstrike (232) Onyxia10
-- Marrowstrike (219) HTOC
-- Tower of the Mouldering Corpse (219) FOSreg (Devourer)
-- Colossal Skull-Clad Cleaver (200) H HOL (Loken)
-- Silvery Sylvan Stave (200) Tourney
Daggers and Fist Weapons, Agi gt 1
-- Blood Weeper (232) HFOS (Devourer)
-- Black Knight's Rondel (219) HTOC (BK)
-- Heartshiver (219) FOSreg (Devourer)
-- Krick's Beetle Stabber (219) POSreg (Ick)
-- Greed (200) HCOS (chest)
Staves with Spell power
-- Engraved Gargoyle Femur (232) HPOS (Tyrannus)
-- Blood Boil Lancet (219) FOSreg (Devourer)
-- Unspeakable Secret (219) POSreg (Garfrost)
-- Staff of Restraint (213) Sarth25
-- Staff of Draconic Combat (200) HOc (cache of eregos)
Daggers, 1H M/S with Spell power
-- Glinting Azuresong Mageblade (232) Onyxia10
-- Sharpened Fang of the Mystics (232) Onyxia10
-- Seethe (232) HFOS (Devourer)
-- Surgeon's Needle (232) HPOS (Garfrost)
-- Bone Golem Scapula (219) HORreg (chest)
-- Chilled Heart of the Glacier (219) HORreg (chest)
-- Mariel's Sorrow (219) HTOC (Eadric)
-- Spectral Kris (219) HTOC (BK)
-- Splintered Icecrown Parapet (219) HORreg (Marwyn)
-- Dagger of Lunar Purity (200) Tourney
-- Gnomeregan Bonechopper (200) Tourney
Off-hand Frills
-- Antique Cornerstone Grimoire (232) Onyxia10
-- Shriveled Heart (232) HHOR (chest)
-- Handbook of Obscure Remedies (200) 290 JP
-- Ward of the Violet Citadel (200) 290 JP
Shields, Int gt 1
-- Protector of Frigid Souls (219) POSreg (Tyrannus)
-- Protective Barricade of the Light (200) 348 JP
There are only 2 options here with any Strength, according to Wowhead
-- Felglacier Bolter (232) HPOS (Ick)
-- Papa's Brand New Knife (232) HFOS (Bronjahm)
-- Snub-Nose Blastershot Launcher (232) Onyxia10
-- Crypt Fiend Slayer (219) HORreg (chest)
-- Rimebane Rifle (219) POSreg (Tyrannus)
-- True-Aim Long Rifle (219) HTOC (BK)
-- Armor Plated Combat Shotgun (200) Engr - yay, a str gun.
-- Blunderbuss of Khaz Modan (200) Tourney
-- Soulsplinter (232) HHOR (Falric)
-- Coffin Nail (219) ICC5 regs (trash)
-- Wand of Ahn'kahet (200) H Ahnkahet (Volazj)
Everything else is raid-dropped. Poor wand-users.
HOTT Index
Current Wowcraft build: 4.2.0.
HOTT Index
I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you use this list only as a starting guide, but do your own poking around, check Wowhead, check Atlasloot, and build your own list. If I've missed a piece of gear you feel should be on this list, please don't hesitate to drop me a note about it. I'm just one person, I can't make a complete 10m raid's gear list on my own without a few holes.
ALSO: While priority is still 5m dungeons, I have linked some of the quicker raids, mostly Onyxia10. I have also included some ilvl200 weapons that aren't hard to get, just in case you get to crunch time and the bosses just won't drop your weapon for you.
Main-hand/one-hand 1H A/M/S - Str gt 1 - primarily meant as a tank list
-- Falric's Wrist-Chopper (232) HHOR (Falric)
-- Rimefang's Claw (232) HPOS (Tyrannus)
-- Lucky Old Sun (219) FOSreg (Bronjahm)
-- Peacekeeper Blade (219) HTOC
-- Red Sword of Courage (200) H UP (Ymiron)
-- Teldrassil Protector (200) Tourney
Shields, Str gt 1
Your two non-raid options?
-- Splintered Door of the Citadel (219) HORreg (Marwyn)
-- Crygil's Discarded Plate Panel (200) 348JP
2H A/M/S/P - Str gr 1
-- Keen Obsidian Edged Blade (232) Onyxia10
-- Tyrannical Beheader (232) HPOS (Tyrannus)
-- Edge of Ruin (219) HTOC
-- Garfrost's Two-Ton Hammer (219) POSreg (Garfrost)
-- Mourning Malice (219) HORreg (chest)
-- Claymore of the Prophet (200) Tourney
1H A/M/S - Agi gt 1 - primarily meant as a dps list
-- Black Icicle (232) HHOR (chest)
-- Liar's Tongue (232) HHOR (chest)
-- Nighttime (232) HFOS (Bronjahm)
-- Tankard O' Terror (226) BOE
-- Aledar's Battlestar (219) HTOC (Eadric)
-- Ghoulslicer (219) HORreg (Falric)
-- Hate-Forged Cleaver (219) HORreg (chest)
-- Grasscutter (200) - 550 JP
-- Ironforge Smasher (200) Tourney
2H A/M/S/P/Staff - Agi gt 1
-- Orca-Hunter's Harpoon (232) HHOR (Marwyn)
-- Reclaimed Shadowstrike (232) Onyxia10
-- Reclaimed Thunderstrike (232) Onyxia10
-- Marrowstrike (219) HTOC
-- Tower of the Mouldering Corpse (219) FOSreg (Devourer)
-- Colossal Skull-Clad Cleaver (200) H HOL (Loken)
-- Silvery Sylvan Stave (200) Tourney
Daggers and Fist Weapons, Agi gt 1
-- Blood Weeper (232) HFOS (Devourer)
-- Black Knight's Rondel (219) HTOC (BK)
-- Heartshiver (219) FOSreg (Devourer)
-- Krick's Beetle Stabber (219) POSreg (Ick)
-- Greed (200) HCOS (chest)
Staves with Spell power
-- Engraved Gargoyle Femur (232) HPOS (Tyrannus)
-- Blood Boil Lancet (219) FOSreg (Devourer)
-- Unspeakable Secret (219) POSreg (Garfrost)
-- Staff of Restraint (213) Sarth25
-- Staff of Draconic Combat (200) HOc (cache of eregos)
Daggers, 1H M/S with Spell power
-- Glinting Azuresong Mageblade (232) Onyxia10
-- Sharpened Fang of the Mystics (232) Onyxia10
-- Seethe (232) HFOS (Devourer)
-- Surgeon's Needle (232) HPOS (Garfrost)
-- Bone Golem Scapula (219) HORreg (chest)
-- Chilled Heart of the Glacier (219) HORreg (chest)
-- Mariel's Sorrow (219) HTOC (Eadric)
-- Spectral Kris (219) HTOC (BK)
-- Splintered Icecrown Parapet (219) HORreg (Marwyn)
-- Dagger of Lunar Purity (200) Tourney
-- Gnomeregan Bonechopper (200) Tourney
Off-hand Frills
-- Antique Cornerstone Grimoire (232) Onyxia10
-- Shriveled Heart (232) HHOR (chest)
-- Handbook of Obscure Remedies (200) 290 JP
-- Ward of the Violet Citadel (200) 290 JP
Shields, Int gt 1
-- Protector of Frigid Souls (219) POSreg (Tyrannus)
-- Protective Barricade of the Light (200) 348 JP
There are only 2 options here with any Strength, according to Wowhead
-- Felglacier Bolter (232) HPOS (Ick)
-- Papa's Brand New Knife (232) HFOS (Bronjahm)
-- Snub-Nose Blastershot Launcher (232) Onyxia10
-- Crypt Fiend Slayer (219) HORreg (chest)
-- Rimebane Rifle (219) POSreg (Tyrannus)
-- True-Aim Long Rifle (219) HTOC (BK)
-- Armor Plated Combat Shotgun (200) Engr - yay, a str gun.
-- Blunderbuss of Khaz Modan (200) Tourney
-- Soulsplinter (232) HHOR (Falric)
-- Coffin Nail (219) ICC5 regs (trash)
-- Wand of Ahn'kahet (200) H Ahnkahet (Volazj)
Everything else is raid-dropped. Poor wand-users.
HOTT Index
Gear List: HOTT Leather
Gear List: HOTT Leather
Current Wowcraft build: 4.2.0.
HOTT Index
I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you use this list only as a starting guide, but do your own poking around, check Wowhead, check Atlasloot, and build your own list. If I've missed a piece of gear you feel should be on this list, please don't hesitate to drop me a note about it. I'm just one person, I can't make a complete 10m raid's gear list on my own without a few holes.
ALSO: Excepting the occasional Sarth25 drop, I have avoided linking raid gear. So many of those pieces have a less than 50% drop rate so if you want to look those up and add them to your personal list, I encourage you to do so. This list is intended to be more of a cheat-sheet, the easiest ways to get the necessary ilvl. Priority is crafting, JP, and 5m dungeons.
REGARDING LEATHER: I have never played a leather wearer past, like, 20, so this list is going to be split up into 'casty' and 'agi'; I'm assuming you'll know which of those you'll need better than I would.
Leather Helm
226 set helmet tokens are 770JP (or drop from Thorim25).
-- Mask of Distant Memory (219) hit/crit - HTOC (BK)
-- Headpiece of Reconciliation (226) spirit/haste - Sarth25
-- Fallen Sentry's Hood (219) crit/haste - HORreg (Falric)
Leather Shoulder
The 226 set shoulders are boss-drop only, a token off Yogg-Saron 25m. The 219 set shoulders come from Thorim 10m.
-- Bewildering Shoulderpads (219) crit/haste - FOSreg (Bronjahm)
-- Grim Lasher Shoulderguards (219) spirit/crit - HORreg (chest)
Leather Chest
226 set token for 770 JP (or from Hodir25m).
I hope the way I set the Wowhead filter isn't excluding something somehow. My apologies if I messed this one up.
-- Blackened Geist Ribs (219) hit/haste - HORreg (chest)
-- Robes of the Cheating Heart (219) spirit/haste - FOSreg (Bronjahm)
Leather Wrist
The pittance of non-raid options is more than made up for in the fact that the easiest option is the 213 BOE 347JP, which your main can buy and mail to your HOTT char. 213 is not ideal for HOTT, but it's better than a 200 blue.
-- Armbands of the Wary Lookout (219) hit/crit - HTOC
-- Wristwraps of the Cutthroat (213) crit/haste - BOE 347JP
-- Unless I did it wrong, there are no non-raid 219 Int bracers.
-- Bands of the Great Tree (213) spirit - BOE 347JP
Leather Gloves
226 non-tier gloves are available for 487JP. 226 set gloves are a rare drop (2-3%) from Emalon25, or the tokens are from Mimiron25 or Freya10 (219).
-- Gloves of the Blind Stalker (226) crit/haste - 487JP
-- Carpal Tunnelers (219) crit/haste - HORreg (Marwyn)
-- Grips of the Secret Grove (226) spirit/crit - 487JP
-- Gloves of Dismal Fortune (219) crit/haste - HTOC
Leather Waist
There are two good options, either a 226 crafted belt from a rare-ish-drop pattern from Ulduar bosses (10mHards and 25mReg), or a 226 belt for 487 JP.
-- Death-Warmed Belt (226) hit/crit - Ulduar pattern
-- Belt of the Twilight Assassin (226) hit/expt - 487 JP
-- Flayer's Black Belt (219) crit/expt - POSreg (Garfrost)
-- Belt of Arctic Life (226) spirit/haste - Ulduar pattern
-- Belt of the Living Thicket (226) spirit/haste - 487 JP.
-- Does not seem to be a 219 casty belt.
Leather Legs
226 non-set pants are vendor-bought for 770JP. The 226 set pants have a rare chance of dropping from Emalon25, or the token comes from Freya25reg. 219 set pants come from Emalon10 or a token from Hodir10.
-- Shaggy Wyrmleather Leggings (219) crit/haste) - POSreg (Tyrannus)
-- Leggings of the Snowy Bramble (219) crit/haste - HTOC
Leather Feet
Again, a good option here is a 226 crafted boots from a rare-ish-drop pattern from Ulduar bosses (10mHards and 25mReg). There are also 213 boots for 417JP if you have to; again, not ideal to go into Algalon with 213 but it's better than 200.
-- Footpads of Silence (226) hit/crit - Ulduar pattern
-- Treads of Dismal Fortune (219) crit/expt - HTOC
-- Boots of Captain Ellis (213) crit/haste - 417JP
-- Boots of Wintry Endurance (226) spirit/crit - Ulduar pattern
-- Barkhide Treads (219) hit/crit - HTOC (Eadric)
-- Rainey's Chewed Boots (213) spirit - 417JP
HOTT Index
Current Wowcraft build: 4.2.0.
HOTT Index
I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you use this list only as a starting guide, but do your own poking around, check Wowhead, check Atlasloot, and build your own list. If I've missed a piece of gear you feel should be on this list, please don't hesitate to drop me a note about it. I'm just one person, I can't make a complete 10m raid's gear list on my own without a few holes.
ALSO: Excepting the occasional Sarth25 drop, I have avoided linking raid gear. So many of those pieces have a less than 50% drop rate so if you want to look those up and add them to your personal list, I encourage you to do so. This list is intended to be more of a cheat-sheet, the easiest ways to get the necessary ilvl. Priority is crafting, JP, and 5m dungeons.
REGARDING LEATHER: I have never played a leather wearer past, like, 20, so this list is going to be split up into 'casty' and 'agi'; I'm assuming you'll know which of those you'll need better than I would.
Leather Helm
226 set helmet tokens are 770JP (or drop from Thorim25).
-- Mask of Distant Memory (219) hit/crit - HTOC (BK)
-- Headpiece of Reconciliation (226) spirit/haste - Sarth25
-- Fallen Sentry's Hood (219) crit/haste - HORreg (Falric)
Leather Shoulder
The 226 set shoulders are boss-drop only, a token off Yogg-Saron 25m. The 219 set shoulders come from Thorim 10m.
-- Bewildering Shoulderpads (219) crit/haste - FOSreg (Bronjahm)
-- Grim Lasher Shoulderguards (219) spirit/crit - HORreg (chest)
Leather Chest
226 set token for 770 JP (or from Hodir25m).
I hope the way I set the Wowhead filter isn't excluding something somehow. My apologies if I messed this one up.
-- Blackened Geist Ribs (219) hit/haste - HORreg (chest)
-- Robes of the Cheating Heart (219) spirit/haste - FOSreg (Bronjahm)
Leather Wrist
The pittance of non-raid options is more than made up for in the fact that the easiest option is the 213 BOE 347JP, which your main can buy and mail to your HOTT char. 213 is not ideal for HOTT, but it's better than a 200 blue.
-- Armbands of the Wary Lookout (219) hit/crit - HTOC
-- Wristwraps of the Cutthroat (213) crit/haste - BOE 347JP
-- Unless I did it wrong, there are no non-raid 219 Int bracers.
-- Bands of the Great Tree (213) spirit - BOE 347JP
Leather Gloves
226 non-tier gloves are available for 487JP. 226 set gloves are a rare drop (2-3%) from Emalon25, or the tokens are from Mimiron25 or Freya10 (219).
-- Gloves of the Blind Stalker (226) crit/haste - 487JP
-- Carpal Tunnelers (219) crit/haste - HORreg (Marwyn)
-- Grips of the Secret Grove (226) spirit/crit - 487JP
-- Gloves of Dismal Fortune (219) crit/haste - HTOC
Leather Waist
There are two good options, either a 226 crafted belt from a rare-ish-drop pattern from Ulduar bosses (10mHards and 25mReg), or a 226 belt for 487 JP.
-- Death-Warmed Belt (226) hit/crit - Ulduar pattern
-- Belt of the Twilight Assassin (226) hit/expt - 487 JP
-- Flayer's Black Belt (219) crit/expt - POSreg (Garfrost)
-- Belt of Arctic Life (226) spirit/haste - Ulduar pattern
-- Belt of the Living Thicket (226) spirit/haste - 487 JP.
-- Does not seem to be a 219 casty belt.
Leather Legs
226 non-set pants are vendor-bought for 770JP. The 226 set pants have a rare chance of dropping from Emalon25, or the token comes from Freya25reg. 219 set pants come from Emalon10 or a token from Hodir10.
-- Shaggy Wyrmleather Leggings (219) crit/haste) - POSreg (Tyrannus)
-- Leggings of the Snowy Bramble (219) crit/haste - HTOC
Leather Feet
Again, a good option here is a 226 crafted boots from a rare-ish-drop pattern from Ulduar bosses (10mHards and 25mReg). There are also 213 boots for 417JP if you have to; again, not ideal to go into Algalon with 213 but it's better than 200.
-- Footpads of Silence (226) hit/crit - Ulduar pattern
-- Treads of Dismal Fortune (219) crit/expt - HTOC
-- Boots of Captain Ellis (213) crit/haste - 417JP
-- Boots of Wintry Endurance (226) spirit/crit - Ulduar pattern
-- Barkhide Treads (219) hit/crit - HTOC (Eadric)
-- Rainey's Chewed Boots (213) spirit - 417JP
HOTT Index
Gear List: HOTT Cloth
Gear List: HOTT Cloth
Current Wowcraft build: 4.2.0.
HOTT Index
I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you use this list only as a starting guide, but do your own poking around, check Wowhead, check Atlasloot, and build your own list. If I've missed a piece of gear you feel should be on this list, please don't hesitate to drop me a note about it. I'm just one person, I can't make a complete 10m raid's gear list on my own without a few holes.
ALSO: Excepting the occasional Sarth25 drop, I have avoided linking raid gear. So many of those pieces have a less than 50% drop rate so if you want to look those up and add them to your personal list, I encourage you to do so. This list is intended to be more of a cheat-sheet, the easiest ways to get the necessary ilvl. Priority is crafting, JP, and 5m dungeons.
REGARDING CLOTH: since I am unfamiliar with the intricacies of cloth dps, this list is more or less going to link anything of the appropriate ilvl.
Cloth Helm
-- 226 set helmet tokens are 770JP (or drop from Thorim25).
-- Gaze of the Unknown (219) hit/crit from HTOC (BK)
-- Tattered Glacial-Woven Hood (219) spirit/haste from HORreg (chest)
Cloth Shoulders
The 226 set shoulders are boss-drop only, a token off Yogg-Saron 25m. The 219 set shoulders come from Thorim 10m.
-- Frayed Abomination Stitching Shoulders (219) crit/haste from HORreg (Marwyn)
-- Mantle of Tattered Feathers (219) spirit/crit from ICC5reg mobs
-- Mantle of Inconsolable Fear (200) crit/haste from TOC5reg.
Cloth Chest
226 set token for 770 JP (or from Hodir25m).
-- Embrace of Madness (219) spirit/crit from HTOC (BK)
-- Palebone Robes (219) crit/haste from POSreg (Tyrannus)
-- The Sanctum's Flowing Vestments (213) spirit/haste from Sarth25
Cloth Wrist
The pittance of non-raid options is made up for in the fact that the easiest option is the 213 BOE 347JP, which your main can buy and mail to your HOTT char. 213 is not ideal for HOTT, but it's better than a 200 blue.
-- Unsullied Cuffs (226) spirit/haste from Sarth25
-- Wristguards of Subterranean Moss (219) spirit/haste from POSreg (Ick)
-- Cuffs of the Shadow Ascendant (213) spirit/haste BOE 347JP
-- Wraps of the Astral Traveler (213) hit/crit BOE 347JP
Am I blind? I'm not seeing anything that has no spirit except the JP one.
Cloth Gloves
226 non-tier gloves are available for 487JP. 226 set gloves are a rare drop (2-3%) from Emalon25, or the tokens are from Mimiron25 or Freya10 (219).
-- Touch of the Occult (226) spirit/haste 487JP
-- Cold Sweat Grips (219) hit/crit FOSreg (Bronjam)
-- Marwyn's Macabre Fingertips (219) spirit/crit HORreg (but drops from Falric... Macabre indeed)
Cloth Waist
There are two good options, either a 226 crafted belt from a rare-ish-drop pattern from Ulduar bosses (10mHards and 25mReg), or a 226 belt for 487 JP.
-- Cord of the White Dawn (226) spirit/crit - Ulduar pattern
-- Sash of Ancient Power (226) hit/haste - Ulduar pattern
-- Sash of Potent Incantations (226) spirit/crit for 487 JP
-- Essence of Anger (219) hit/haste - FOSreg (Devourer)
Cloth Legs
226 non-set pants are vendor-bought for 770JP. The 226 set pants have a rare chance of dropping from Emalon25, or the token comes from Freya25reg. 219 set pants come from Emalon10 or a token from Hodir10.
-- Legwraps of the Master Conjurer (226) spirit/crit for 770JP
-- Rimewoven Silks (219) crit/haste from POSreg (Tyrannus)
I feel like I'm missing something obvious. Maybe cloth stats aren't as diverse as I remember then being?
Cloth Feet
Again, a good option here is a 226 crafted boots from a rare-ish-drop pattern from Ulduar bosses (10mHards and 25mReg). There are also 213 boots for 417JP if you have to; again, not idea to go into Algalon with 213 but it's better than 200.
-- Savior's Slippers (226) spirit/crit - Ulduar pattern
-- Spellslinger's Slippers (226) spirit/haste - Ulduar pattern
-- Boots of the Crackling Flame (219) hit/crit - HTOC
-- Ice-Steeped Sandals (219) spirit/haste - POSreg (Garfrost)
-- Slippers of the Holy Light (213) spirit/haste - 417JP
-- Xintor's Expeditionary Boots (213) hit/crit - 417JP
HOTT Index
Current Wowcraft build: 4.2.0.
HOTT Index
I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you use this list only as a starting guide, but do your own poking around, check Wowhead, check Atlasloot, and build your own list. If I've missed a piece of gear you feel should be on this list, please don't hesitate to drop me a note about it. I'm just one person, I can't make a complete 10m raid's gear list on my own without a few holes.
ALSO: Excepting the occasional Sarth25 drop, I have avoided linking raid gear. So many of those pieces have a less than 50% drop rate so if you want to look those up and add them to your personal list, I encourage you to do so. This list is intended to be more of a cheat-sheet, the easiest ways to get the necessary ilvl. Priority is crafting, JP, and 5m dungeons.
REGARDING CLOTH: since I am unfamiliar with the intricacies of cloth dps, this list is more or less going to link anything of the appropriate ilvl.
Cloth Helm
-- 226 set helmet tokens are 770JP (or drop from Thorim25).
-- Gaze of the Unknown (219) hit/crit from HTOC (BK)
-- Tattered Glacial-Woven Hood (219) spirit/haste from HORreg (chest)
Cloth Shoulders
The 226 set shoulders are boss-drop only, a token off Yogg-Saron 25m. The 219 set shoulders come from Thorim 10m.
-- Frayed Abomination Stitching Shoulders (219) crit/haste from HORreg (Marwyn)
-- Mantle of Tattered Feathers (219) spirit/crit from ICC5reg mobs
-- Mantle of Inconsolable Fear (200) crit/haste from TOC5reg.
Cloth Chest
226 set token for 770 JP (or from Hodir25m).
-- Embrace of Madness (219) spirit/crit from HTOC (BK)
-- Palebone Robes (219) crit/haste from POSreg (Tyrannus)
-- The Sanctum's Flowing Vestments (213) spirit/haste from Sarth25
Cloth Wrist
The pittance of non-raid options is made up for in the fact that the easiest option is the 213 BOE 347JP, which your main can buy and mail to your HOTT char. 213 is not ideal for HOTT, but it's better than a 200 blue.
-- Unsullied Cuffs (226) spirit/haste from Sarth25
-- Wristguards of Subterranean Moss (219) spirit/haste from POSreg (Ick)
-- Cuffs of the Shadow Ascendant (213) spirit/haste BOE 347JP
-- Wraps of the Astral Traveler (213) hit/crit BOE 347JP
Am I blind? I'm not seeing anything that has no spirit except the JP one.
Cloth Gloves
226 non-tier gloves are available for 487JP. 226 set gloves are a rare drop (2-3%) from Emalon25, or the tokens are from Mimiron25 or Freya10 (219).
-- Touch of the Occult (226) spirit/haste 487JP
-- Cold Sweat Grips (219) hit/crit FOSreg (Bronjam)
-- Marwyn's Macabre Fingertips (219) spirit/crit HORreg (but drops from Falric... Macabre indeed)
Cloth Waist
There are two good options, either a 226 crafted belt from a rare-ish-drop pattern from Ulduar bosses (10mHards and 25mReg), or a 226 belt for 487 JP.
-- Cord of the White Dawn (226) spirit/crit - Ulduar pattern
-- Sash of Ancient Power (226) hit/haste - Ulduar pattern
-- Sash of Potent Incantations (226) spirit/crit for 487 JP
-- Essence of Anger (219) hit/haste - FOSreg (Devourer)
Cloth Legs
226 non-set pants are vendor-bought for 770JP. The 226 set pants have a rare chance of dropping from Emalon25, or the token comes from Freya25reg. 219 set pants come from Emalon10 or a token from Hodir10.
-- Legwraps of the Master Conjurer (226) spirit/crit for 770JP
-- Rimewoven Silks (219) crit/haste from POSreg (Tyrannus)
I feel like I'm missing something obvious. Maybe cloth stats aren't as diverse as I remember then being?
Cloth Feet
Again, a good option here is a 226 crafted boots from a rare-ish-drop pattern from Ulduar bosses (10mHards and 25mReg). There are also 213 boots for 417JP if you have to; again, not idea to go into Algalon with 213 but it's better than 200.
-- Savior's Slippers (226) spirit/crit - Ulduar pattern
-- Spellslinger's Slippers (226) spirit/haste - Ulduar pattern
-- Boots of the Crackling Flame (219) hit/crit - HTOC
-- Ice-Steeped Sandals (219) spirit/haste - POSreg (Garfrost)
-- Slippers of the Holy Light (213) spirit/haste - 417JP
-- Xintor's Expeditionary Boots (213) hit/crit - 417JP
HOTT Index
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Gear List: HOTT Mail
Gear List: HOTT Mail
Current Wowcraft build: 4.2.0.
HOTT Index
I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you use this list only as a starting guide, but do your own poking around, check Wowhead, check Atlasloot, and build your own list. If I've missed a piece of gear you feel should be on this list, please don't hesitate to drop me a note about it. I'm just one person, I can't make a complete 10m raid's gear list on my own without a few holes.
ALSO: Excepting Sarth25 and a couple stand-out pieces of gear, I have avoided linking raid gear. So many of those pieces have a less than 50% drop rate so if you want to look those up and add them to your personal list, I encourage you to do so. This list is intended to be more of a cheat-sheet, the easiest ways to get the necessary ilvl. Priority is crafting, JP, and 5m dungeons.
Mail Helm
226 set helmet tokens are 770JP (or drop from Thorim25).
-- AGI: Horns of the Spurned Val'kyr (219) from POSreg Tyrannus (15%).
-- INT: Polished Mirror Helm (219) from POSreg Garfrost (12%).
Mail Shoulder
The 226 set shoulders come from a token off Yogg-Saron 25m. The 219 set shoulders come from Thorim 10m.
-- AGILITY: Pauldrons of Concealed Loathing (219) from HTOC
-- INT/hit: Pauldrons of the Deafening Gale (219) from HTOC
-- INT/SPIRIT: Council Chamber Epaulets (213) from Sarth25
Mail Chest
226 set token for 770 JP, or from Hodir25m.
-- AGI: Chestguard of the Ravenous Fiend (219) from HTOC
-- INT/SPIRIT: Shroud of Rime (21) from POSreg
Mail Wrist
-- Gondria's Spectral Bracer (219) from POSreg
-- Armguard of the Tower Archer (213) BOE for 347JP
-- INT/HIT: Seven Stormy Mornings (219) from FOSreg
-- INT/SPIRIT: Pigmented Clan Bindings (213) BOE for 347JP
Mail Hands
the 226 set gloves: 2% drop rate from Emalon25, or a token from Mimiron25.
-- Gloves of Unerring Aim (226) non-set gloves for 487JP
-- Gloves of the Dark Exile (219) from HTOC
-- INT/SPIRIT: Gloves of Augury (226) non-set gloves for 487JP
-- INT/hit: Mitts of Burning Hail (219) from HORreg Marwyn
Mail Waist
-- Belt of Dragons (226) LWing, Ulduar pattern
-- Belt of the Ardent Marksman (226) for 487JP
-- Scabrous Zombie Leather Belt (219) from POSreg
-- INT/SPIRIT: Blue Belt of Chaos (226) LWing, Ulduar pattern
-- INT/SPIRIT: Windchill Binding (226) for 487JP
-- INT/SPIRIT: Girdle of the Dauntless Conqueror (219) from HTOC
Mail Legs
The 226 set pants have a rare chance of dropping from Emalon25, or the token comes from Freya25reg.
-- Leggings of the Tireless Sentry (226) non-set pants for 770JP
-- Frostsworn Bone Leggings (219) from HORreg (Marwyn)
-- INT/SPIRIT: Leggings of the Weary Mystic (226) non-set pants for 770JP
-- INT/SPIRIT: Black Dragonskin Breeches (219) from POSreg (Ick)
-- INT/hit: Legguards of Untimely Demise (219) from HORreg (chest)
Mail Feet
-- Boots of Living Scale (226) LWing, Ulduar pattern
-- Muddied Boots of Brill (219) HORreg (Falric)
-- Pack-Ice Striders (213) for 417JP
-- INT/SPIRIT: Lightning Grounded Boots (226) LWing, Ulduar pattern
-- INT/SPIRIT: Soul Screaming Boots (219) FOSreg
-- INT/SPIRIT: Treads of Coastal Wandering (213) for 417JP
HOTT Index
Current Wowcraft build: 4.2.0.
HOTT Index
I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you use this list only as a starting guide, but do your own poking around, check Wowhead, check Atlasloot, and build your own list. If I've missed a piece of gear you feel should be on this list, please don't hesitate to drop me a note about it. I'm just one person, I can't make a complete 10m raid's gear list on my own without a few holes.
ALSO: Excepting Sarth25 and a couple stand-out pieces of gear, I have avoided linking raid gear. So many of those pieces have a less than 50% drop rate so if you want to look those up and add them to your personal list, I encourage you to do so. This list is intended to be more of a cheat-sheet, the easiest ways to get the necessary ilvl. Priority is crafting, JP, and 5m dungeons.
Mail Helm
226 set helmet tokens are 770JP (or drop from Thorim25).
-- AGI: Horns of the Spurned Val'kyr (219) from POSreg Tyrannus (15%).
-- INT: Polished Mirror Helm (219) from POSreg Garfrost (12%).
Mail Shoulder
The 226 set shoulders come from a token off Yogg-Saron 25m. The 219 set shoulders come from Thorim 10m.
-- AGILITY: Pauldrons of Concealed Loathing (219) from HTOC
-- INT/hit: Pauldrons of the Deafening Gale (219) from HTOC
-- INT/SPIRIT: Council Chamber Epaulets (213) from Sarth25
Mail Chest
226 set token for 770 JP, or from Hodir25m.
-- AGI: Chestguard of the Ravenous Fiend (219) from HTOC
-- INT/SPIRIT: Shroud of Rime (21) from POSreg
Mail Wrist
-- Gondria's Spectral Bracer (219) from POSreg
-- Armguard of the Tower Archer (213) BOE for 347JP
-- INT/HIT: Seven Stormy Mornings (219) from FOSreg
-- INT/SPIRIT: Pigmented Clan Bindings (213) BOE for 347JP
Mail Hands
the 226 set gloves: 2% drop rate from Emalon25, or a token from Mimiron25.
-- Gloves of Unerring Aim (226) non-set gloves for 487JP
-- Gloves of the Dark Exile (219) from HTOC
-- INT/SPIRIT: Gloves of Augury (226) non-set gloves for 487JP
-- INT/hit: Mitts of Burning Hail (219) from HORreg Marwyn
Mail Waist
-- Belt of Dragons (226) LWing, Ulduar pattern
-- Belt of the Ardent Marksman (226) for 487JP
-- Scabrous Zombie Leather Belt (219) from POSreg
-- INT/SPIRIT: Blue Belt of Chaos (226) LWing, Ulduar pattern
-- INT/SPIRIT: Windchill Binding (226) for 487JP
-- INT/SPIRIT: Girdle of the Dauntless Conqueror (219) from HTOC
Mail Legs
The 226 set pants have a rare chance of dropping from Emalon25, or the token comes from Freya25reg.
-- Leggings of the Tireless Sentry (226) non-set pants for 770JP
-- Frostsworn Bone Leggings (219) from HORreg (Marwyn)
-- INT/SPIRIT: Leggings of the Weary Mystic (226) non-set pants for 770JP
-- INT/SPIRIT: Black Dragonskin Breeches (219) from POSreg (Ick)
-- INT/hit: Legguards of Untimely Demise (219) from HORreg (chest)
Mail Feet
-- Boots of Living Scale (226) LWing, Ulduar pattern
-- Muddied Boots of Brill (219) HORreg (Falric)
-- Pack-Ice Striders (213) for 417JP
-- INT/SPIRIT: Lightning Grounded Boots (226) LWing, Ulduar pattern
-- INT/SPIRIT: Soul Screaming Boots (219) FOSreg
-- INT/SPIRIT: Treads of Coastal Wandering (213) for 417JP
HOTT Index
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Gear List: HOTT Plate
Gear List: HOTT Plate
Current Wowcraft build: 4.2.0.
HOTT Index
I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you use this list only as a starting guide, but do your own poking around, check Wowhead, check Atlasloot, and build your own list. If I've missed a piece of gear you feel should be on this list, please don't hesitate to drop me a note about it. I'm just one person, I can't make a complete 10m raid's gear list on my own without a few holes.
ALSO: Excepting the occasional Sarth25 drop, I have avoided linking raid gear. So many of those pieces have a less than 50% drop rate so if you want to look those up and add them to your personal list, I encourage you to do so. This list is intended to be more of a cheat-sheet, the easiest ways to get the necessary ilvl. Priority is crafting, JP, and 5m dungeons.
REGARDING DPS: since there are many plate dps classes and I'm no longer familiar with the intricacies of whether Arms/Fury/Ret/DK/theotherDKdpsspec wants hit/crit/haste/expt/stuff/doom/pants, this list is more or less going to link anything not-tanky of the appropriate ilvl.
Plate Helm
226 set helmet tokens are 770JP (or drop from Thorim25).
-- If for some reason you find yourself JP-strapped, you might be able to luck into a Helm of the Crestfallen Challenger (219) from 2nd-boss HTOC (14% drop)
-- Obsidian Greathelm (226) from Sarth25.
-- Skeleton Lord's Cranium (219) from POSreg
-- Greathelm of the Silver Hand (219) HORreg, 11% drop
Plate Shoulder
The 226 set shoulders are boss-drop only, a token off Yogg-Saron 25m. The 219 set shoulders come from Thorim 10m.
-- Regal Aurous Shoulderplates (219) HTOC (Confessor, 12% drop).
-- Majestic Silversmith Shoulderplates (219) from HTOC (Eadric)
-- Valonforth's Tarnished Pauldrons (219) HORreg (Falric 15%)
Plate Chest
226 set token for 770 JP (or from Hodir25m).
-- Scourgelord's Frigid Chestplate (219) POSreg (Tyrannus 15%)
-- Lost Reliquary Chestguard (219) from reg FOS (10% drop)
-- There does not appear to be a 219 Int chest.
-- At least there is Chestplate of the Great Aspects (213) from Sarth25 (20%). But you should still go for the set chest.
Plate Wrist
The pittance of non-raid options is more than made up for in the fact that the easiest option is the 213 BOE 347JP, which your main can buy and mail to your HOTT char. 213 is not ideal for HOTT, but it's better than a 200 blue.
-- Mimiron's Inferno Couplings (226) from FL25reg (15%)
-- Flamewatch Armguards (219) from FL10reg (16%)
-- It is worth considering if you would rather farm the Unholy Command (see DPS list) and ... try to reforge them to be more tank-worthy. Good luck with that, IMO. Either way, you can't escape the fact that other than the BOE, the only two better actually-tanky wrists are from Flame Levi.
-- Bracers of Dalaran's Parapets (213) for 347JP
-- Vambraces of Unholy Command (219) from HTOC
-- Wristbands of the Sentinel Huntress (213) for 347JP
-- Brace Guards of the Starless Night (219) FOSreg (15%)
-- Zartson's Jungle Vambraces (213) for 347JP
-- Bone Frame Bracers from Noth! Don't actually wear these for HOTT, I just had to mention them. It's kind of a personal in-joke I guess.
Plate Hands
226 non-tier gloves are available for 487JP. 226 set gloves are a rare drop (2-3%) from Emalon25, or the tokens are from Mimiron25 or Freya10 (219).
-- Gauntlets of the Royal Watch (226) (non-set) for 487JP
-- Crystalline Citadel Gauntlets (219) from HORreg chest (10%)
-- 213 set gloves come from 'Gauntlets of the Lost' token from Sarth25, an average of a 50% drop across the 4 tank classes (but strongly consider passing this up, you want either the CCG or the Royal Watch).
-- Bladebreaker Gauntlets (226) (non-set) for 487JP
-- Plated Grips of Korth'azz (219) a zone drop from the ICC5s.
-- Gauntlets of Serene Blessing (226) (non-set) for 487JP
-- Gauntlets of Revelation (219) from HTOC
-- The 213 set gloves can come from a token from Sarth25 (Paladins share with Priests and Warlocks)
Plate Waist
There are two good options for all roles, either a 226 crafted belt from a rare-ish-drop pattern from Ulduar bosses (10mHards and 25mReg), or a 226 belt for 487 JP.
-- Indestructible Plate Girdle (226) Ulduar pattern.
-- Shieldwarder Girdle (226) 487 JP.
-- Titanium Links of Lore (219) - a ridiculously rare-drop-rate belt from (reg?) ICC5s.
-- Belt of the Titans (226) Ulduar pattern
-- Belt of the Singing Blade (226) 487JP
-- Bent Gold Belt (219) from POSreg (Ick)
-- Plate Girdle of Righteousness (226) Ulduar pattern
-- Girdle of Unyielding Trust (226) 487JP
-- Trueheart Girdle (219) HTOC (Confessor)
Plate Legs
226 non-set pants are vendor-bought for 770JP. The 226 set pants have a rare chance of dropping from Emalon25, or the token comes from Freya25reg. 219 set pants come from Emalon10 or a token from Hodir10.
-- Gilded Steel Legplates (226) - really nice, really rare (5%) from Flame Levi 10.
-- Wyrmguard Legplates(226) for 770JP.
-- Legplates of Frozen Granite (219) from Devourer of Souls reg
-- Legplates of the Violet Champion (226) for 770JP
-- Legplates of Relentless Onslaught (219) from HTOC
-- Minister's Number One Legplates (219) from regFOS
-- Legguards of the Peaceful Covenant (226) for 770JP
-- Legplates of the Argent Armistice (219) HTOC (Eadric 13%)
Plate Feet
Again, a good option here is a 226 crafted boots from a rare-ish-drop pattern from Ulduar bosses (10mHards and 25mReg). There are also 213 boots for 417JP if you have to; again, not idea to go into Algalon with 213 but it's better than 200.
-- Spiked Deathdealers (226) Ulduar pattern
-- Sollerets of Suffering (219) from FOSreg (Devourer)
-- Kyzoc's Ground Stompers (213) for 417JP
-- Battlelord's Plate Boots (226) Ulduar pattern
-- Plated Greaves of Providence (219) HTOC
-- Bladed Steelboots (213) for 417 JP
-- Treads of Destiny (226) Ulduar pattern
-- There do not appear to be 219 boots from HTOC, ICC5regs, or any non-raiding source. Please let me know if I'm missing something.
-- Sabatons of Rapid Recovery (213) for 417 JP
HOTT Index
Current Wowcraft build: 4.2.0.
HOTT Index
I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you use this list only as a starting guide, but do your own poking around, check Wowhead, check Atlasloot, and build your own list. If I've missed a piece of gear you feel should be on this list, please don't hesitate to drop me a note about it. I'm just one person, I can't make a complete 10m raid's gear list on my own without a few holes.
ALSO: Excepting the occasional Sarth25 drop, I have avoided linking raid gear. So many of those pieces have a less than 50% drop rate so if you want to look those up and add them to your personal list, I encourage you to do so. This list is intended to be more of a cheat-sheet, the easiest ways to get the necessary ilvl. Priority is crafting, JP, and 5m dungeons.
REGARDING DPS: since there are many plate dps classes and I'm no longer familiar with the intricacies of whether Arms/Fury/Ret/DK/theotherDKdpsspec wants hit/crit/haste/expt/stuff/doom/pants, this list is more or less going to link anything not-tanky of the appropriate ilvl.
Plate Helm
226 set helmet tokens are 770JP (or drop from Thorim25).
-- If for some reason you find yourself JP-strapped, you might be able to luck into a Helm of the Crestfallen Challenger (219) from 2nd-boss HTOC (14% drop)
-- Obsidian Greathelm (226) from Sarth25.
-- Skeleton Lord's Cranium (219) from POSreg
-- Greathelm of the Silver Hand (219) HORreg, 11% drop
Plate Shoulder
The 226 set shoulders are boss-drop only, a token off Yogg-Saron 25m. The 219 set shoulders come from Thorim 10m.
-- Regal Aurous Shoulderplates (219) HTOC (Confessor, 12% drop).
-- Majestic Silversmith Shoulderplates (219) from HTOC (Eadric)
-- Valonforth's Tarnished Pauldrons (219) HORreg (Falric 15%)
Plate Chest
226 set token for 770 JP (or from Hodir25m).
-- Scourgelord's Frigid Chestplate (219) POSreg (Tyrannus 15%)
-- Lost Reliquary Chestguard (219) from reg FOS (10% drop)
-- There does not appear to be a 219 Int chest.
-- At least there is Chestplate of the Great Aspects (213) from Sarth25 (20%). But you should still go for the set chest.
Plate Wrist
The pittance of non-raid options is more than made up for in the fact that the easiest option is the 213 BOE 347JP, which your main can buy and mail to your HOTT char. 213 is not ideal for HOTT, but it's better than a 200 blue.
-- Mimiron's Inferno Couplings (226) from FL25reg (15%)
-- Flamewatch Armguards (219) from FL10reg (16%)
-- It is worth considering if you would rather farm the Unholy Command (see DPS list) and ... try to reforge them to be more tank-worthy. Good luck with that, IMO. Either way, you can't escape the fact that other than the BOE, the only two better actually-tanky wrists are from Flame Levi.
-- Bracers of Dalaran's Parapets (213) for 347JP
-- Vambraces of Unholy Command (219) from HTOC
-- Wristbands of the Sentinel Huntress (213) for 347JP
-- Brace Guards of the Starless Night (219) FOSreg (15%)
-- Zartson's Jungle Vambraces (213) for 347JP
-- Bone Frame Bracers from Noth! Don't actually wear these for HOTT, I just had to mention them. It's kind of a personal in-joke I guess.
Plate Hands
226 non-tier gloves are available for 487JP. 226 set gloves are a rare drop (2-3%) from Emalon25, or the tokens are from Mimiron25 or Freya10 (219).
-- Gauntlets of the Royal Watch (226) (non-set) for 487JP
-- Crystalline Citadel Gauntlets (219) from HORreg chest (10%)
-- 213 set gloves come from 'Gauntlets of the Lost' token from Sarth25, an average of a 50% drop across the 4 tank classes (but strongly consider passing this up, you want either the CCG or the Royal Watch).
-- Bladebreaker Gauntlets (226) (non-set) for 487JP
-- Plated Grips of Korth'azz (219) a zone drop from the ICC5s.
-- Gauntlets of Serene Blessing (226) (non-set) for 487JP
-- Gauntlets of Revelation (219) from HTOC
-- The 213 set gloves can come from a token from Sarth25 (Paladins share with Priests and Warlocks)
Plate Waist
There are two good options for all roles, either a 226 crafted belt from a rare-ish-drop pattern from Ulduar bosses (10mHards and 25mReg), or a 226 belt for 487 JP.
-- Indestructible Plate Girdle (226) Ulduar pattern.
-- Shieldwarder Girdle (226) 487 JP.
-- Titanium Links of Lore (219) - a ridiculously rare-drop-rate belt from (reg?) ICC5s.
-- Belt of the Titans (226) Ulduar pattern
-- Belt of the Singing Blade (226) 487JP
-- Bent Gold Belt (219) from POSreg (Ick)
-- Plate Girdle of Righteousness (226) Ulduar pattern
-- Girdle of Unyielding Trust (226) 487JP
-- Trueheart Girdle (219) HTOC (Confessor)
Plate Legs
226 non-set pants are vendor-bought for 770JP. The 226 set pants have a rare chance of dropping from Emalon25, or the token comes from Freya25reg. 219 set pants come from Emalon10 or a token from Hodir10.
-- Gilded Steel Legplates (226) - really nice, really rare (5%) from Flame Levi 10.
-- Wyrmguard Legplates(226) for 770JP.
-- Legplates of Frozen Granite (219) from Devourer of Souls reg
-- Legplates of the Violet Champion (226) for 770JP
-- Legplates of Relentless Onslaught (219) from HTOC
-- Minister's Number One Legplates (219) from regFOS
-- Legguards of the Peaceful Covenant (226) for 770JP
-- Legplates of the Argent Armistice (219) HTOC (Eadric 13%)
Plate Feet
Again, a good option here is a 226 crafted boots from a rare-ish-drop pattern from Ulduar bosses (10mHards and 25mReg). There are also 213 boots for 417JP if you have to; again, not idea to go into Algalon with 213 but it's better than 200.
-- Spiked Deathdealers (226) Ulduar pattern
-- Sollerets of Suffering (219) from FOSreg (Devourer)
-- Kyzoc's Ground Stompers (213) for 417JP
-- Battlelord's Plate Boots (226) Ulduar pattern
-- Plated Greaves of Providence (219) HTOC
-- Bladed Steelboots (213) for 417 JP
-- Treads of Destiny (226) Ulduar pattern
-- There do not appear to be 219 boots from HTOC, ICC5regs, or any non-raiding source. Please let me know if I'm missing something.
-- Sabatons of Rapid Recovery (213) for 417 JP
HOTT Index
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Gear List: Herald of the Titans Index
Gear List: Herald of the Titans Index
Current Wowcraft build: 4.2.0.
Yes, this blog has been inactive since February. Life upheaved and sometimes it just does that. I can't even remember anymore what posts I was wanting to write that I never did. So it goes.
My guild is doing a Herald of the Titans project; specifically, several people are leveling alts to 80 (or dusting off alts that are at 80), freezing the xp, and then gearing them up to take on Algalon. I am assisting this endeavor by compiling gear lists. Just to remind, the armor (including relics) must be ilvl 226 or less, and the weapons can be up to ilvl 232.
Wowhead has a handy chart on where 80s can gain JP.
A level 80 character can access two Cata Regular dungeons through the RDF and, depending on equipped gear, many Wrath Heroics.
Doing one Wrath Heroic Random is worth 24 JP. Wrath Heroic Bosses are worth 16 JP each, for an average of 4 bosses per instance, which is 64 JP. (24+64)*7 = ~616 JP (subject to flux depending on what dungeons you actually get).
One Cata Reg Random is 140 JP, * 7 in a week = 980 JP. Plus the above = ~1600JP/week, just from randoms.
Wrath Raid bosses drop 24JP. The Wrath Weekly Raid Quest is worth 138, if it's easily-enough doable.
JP can be used to purchase lots of HOTT-quality gear.
226 set Helmets, set Chests, and non-set Legs can be bought for 770JP.
226 non-set Gloves and Belts can be bought for 487JP.
226 Relics are 243 JP. 226 Necks are 405 JP.
213 BOE Wrists can be bought for 347JP and mailed around.
213 Boots can be bought for 417JP but only as a last resort (attempt to acquire the 226 crafted ones instead). Also last resort, 213 Rings are 347 JP.
Thus, doing 7 Wrath H Randoms, 7 Cata Reg Randoms, 6 more days of HTOC (228 for the week) and all 3 H ICC5s (768 for the week), plus the occasional Wrath Raid boss and maybe a bonus Wrath Weekly Raid Quest, a HOTT 80 could easily snag 3,000 JP in a week and potentially 100-200 more.
Week one: buy 226 Helmet, Chest, Legs, and Gloves.
Week two: buy 226 Belt, Neck, and depending on class, Relic. Have JP left over.
This means you will be able to have your 2-piece set bonus for your 8.5 tier when you fight Algalon.
This post will serve as an index for the subsequent posts, so please check back here if you need to find a specific one.
-- Plate --
(NOTE, I reformatted the previously-Tank-only list into an all-Plate list.)
-- Mail --
-- Leather --
-- Cloth --
-- Weapons --
Yes, I managed to get everything into one fairly long list. Fear not, it's subdivided.
-- Necks, Cloaks, Rings, Trinkets, Relics --
One single, somewhat long, mostly divided up by Str Agi Int, Accessories list. I'm either awesome or going crazy right now.
Current Wowcraft build: 4.2.0.
Yes, this blog has been inactive since February. Life upheaved and sometimes it just does that. I can't even remember anymore what posts I was wanting to write that I never did. So it goes.
My guild is doing a Herald of the Titans project; specifically, several people are leveling alts to 80 (or dusting off alts that are at 80), freezing the xp, and then gearing them up to take on Algalon. I am assisting this endeavor by compiling gear lists. Just to remind, the armor (including relics) must be ilvl 226 or less, and the weapons can be up to ilvl 232.
Wowhead has a handy chart on where 80s can gain JP.
A level 80 character can access two Cata Regular dungeons through the RDF and, depending on equipped gear, many Wrath Heroics.
Doing one Wrath Heroic Random is worth 24 JP. Wrath Heroic Bosses are worth 16 JP each, for an average of 4 bosses per instance, which is 64 JP. (24+64)*7 = ~616 JP (subject to flux depending on what dungeons you actually get).
One Cata Reg Random is 140 JP, * 7 in a week = 980 JP. Plus the above = ~1600JP/week, just from randoms.
Wrath Raid bosses drop 24JP. The Wrath Weekly Raid Quest is worth 138, if it's easily-enough doable.
JP can be used to purchase lots of HOTT-quality gear.
226 set Helmets, set Chests, and non-set Legs can be bought for 770JP.
226 non-set Gloves and Belts can be bought for 487JP.
226 Relics are 243 JP. 226 Necks are 405 JP.
213 BOE Wrists can be bought for 347JP and mailed around.
213 Boots can be bought for 417JP but only as a last resort (attempt to acquire the 226 crafted ones instead). Also last resort, 213 Rings are 347 JP.
Thus, doing 7 Wrath H Randoms, 7 Cata Reg Randoms, 6 more days of HTOC (228 for the week) and all 3 H ICC5s (768 for the week), plus the occasional Wrath Raid boss and maybe a bonus Wrath Weekly Raid Quest, a HOTT 80 could easily snag 3,000 JP in a week and potentially 100-200 more.
Week one: buy 226 Helmet, Chest, Legs, and Gloves.
Week two: buy 226 Belt, Neck, and depending on class, Relic. Have JP left over.
This means you will be able to have your 2-piece set bonus for your 8.5 tier when you fight Algalon.
This post will serve as an index for the subsequent posts, so please check back here if you need to find a specific one.
-- Plate --
(NOTE, I reformatted the previously-Tank-only list into an all-Plate list.)
-- Mail --
-- Leather --
-- Cloth --
-- Weapons --
Yes, I managed to get everything into one fairly long list. Fear not, it's subdivided.
-- Necks, Cloaks, Rings, Trinkets, Relics --
One single, somewhat long, mostly divided up by Str Agi Int, Accessories list. I'm either awesome or going crazy right now.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
How To: Edit Global Strings
How To: Edit Global Strings
Current Wowcraft build: 4.0.6
You know what I don't like? Spam. You know what is spammy? All this crap:
Your share of the loot is 2 Silver, 14 Copper. (21 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 12 Silver, 27 Copper. (1 Silver, 23 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 12 Silver, 56 Copper. (1 Silver, 26 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 12 Silver, 22 Copper. (1 Silver, 22 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 9 Silver, 11 Copper. (91 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 13 Silver, 35 Copper. (1 Silver, 33 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 9 Silver, 27 Copper. (93 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 2 Silver, 92 Copper. (29 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 10 Silver, 25 Copper. (1 Silver, 2 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 13 Silver, 16 Copper. (1 Silver, 32 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 5 Silver, 12 Copper. (51 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 6 Silver, 51 Copper. (65 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 10 Silver, 92 Copper. (1 Silver, 9 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 12 Silver, 16 Copper. (1 Silver, 22 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 6 Silver, 93 Copper. (69 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 6 Silver, 24 Copper. (62 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 7 Silver, 38 Copper. (74 Copper deposited to guild bank)
You know what's not spammy?
Your share: 7 s, 38 c. (74 c to gbank)
Look how much less space that takes up. This is done by editing global strings. At first the task might seem daunting, but just remember you don't have to edit all the strings, only the one you want. Here is a quickie tutorial on editing global strings.
First, somewhere like maybe your desktop, or maybe a small storage folder next to your main Wow folder, make a New Text Document, then rename it to something like EditedGlobalStrings.lua (make sure it does not end in .txt). You will end up with 2 copies of this file, one in a 'safe' place like this where it won't get over-written, and the other will be your 'active' copy. Open up your file in Notepad or your favorite text editor.
Next, go to
Do not be afraid of all those strings. You don't need to worry about most of them. Think of something you wish to alter, like "Your share of the loot". Use the find function (in MSIE you still need to use ctrl F, in Firefox you can just start typing /your share, and it will start the search) to look for the text you want to change. You may need to use F3, but you should pretty quickly find these lines:
Copy that entire line into your EGS lua. Now, make the non-variable part (the %s part) say whatever you want. Mine look like
This line is for when you are not grouped and loot money:
Save your EditedGlobalStrings.lua. Now we need to put it someplace where the game will know how to read it. You do not overwrite the base global strings in the core code of the game; those are always there. What you do is 'fool' the game into using your strings instead of the base strings. Sort of like having an apple on the counter every morning that you eat for breakfast, but one morning someone has put a banana right in front of the apple, and you take the banana instead. Mm, potassium.
The easiest way to do this is to choose an existing addon that you know you will run on every character that you want to be affected by your edited strings. I use Altoholic on every.character.ever. So I save my EGS.lua and close the Notepad, and open up my Interface/Addons/Altoholic folder and just drop it right in the main folder. Now we have to tell Altoholic to load that lua.
Open the Altoholic.toc (or the .toc file of whatever addon you are using). Go down to the very bottom and just add the name of your file, mine being EditedGlobalStrings.lua. Save the .toc, close the Notepad, and fire up Wowcraft. Now, all characters that have that addon enabled will use your banana-strings instead of the default apple-strings.
Just make sure to always edit your safe file and then drop it into the addon that you've told to use it. Whenever you update the addon that uses your active file, it will wipe out your lua and your edited toc, and you'll have to go put it back in and re-edit the toc. This is why you want a safe copy, one that is not in danger of being over-written.
As you play through the game, you can keep an eye out for things you wish would take up less space in the chat box, then search through the list up there, find the string, and play around with how you want it to look. Happy customizing!
Current Wowcraft build: 4.0.6
You know what I don't like? Spam. You know what is spammy? All this crap:
Your share of the loot is 2 Silver, 14 Copper. (21 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 12 Silver, 27 Copper. (1 Silver, 23 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 12 Silver, 56 Copper. (1 Silver, 26 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 12 Silver, 22 Copper. (1 Silver, 22 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 9 Silver, 11 Copper. (91 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 13 Silver, 35 Copper. (1 Silver, 33 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 9 Silver, 27 Copper. (93 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 2 Silver, 92 Copper. (29 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 10 Silver, 25 Copper. (1 Silver, 2 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 13 Silver, 16 Copper. (1 Silver, 32 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 5 Silver, 12 Copper. (51 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 6 Silver, 51 Copper. (65 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 10 Silver, 92 Copper. (1 Silver, 9 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 12 Silver, 16 Copper. (1 Silver, 22 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 6 Silver, 93 Copper. (69 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 6 Silver, 24 Copper. (62 Copper deposited to guild bank)
Your share of the loot is 7 Silver, 38 Copper. (74 Copper deposited to guild bank)
You know what's not spammy?
Your share: 7 s, 38 c. (74 c to gbank)
Look how much less space that takes up. This is done by editing global strings. At first the task might seem daunting, but just remember you don't have to edit all the strings, only the one you want. Here is a quickie tutorial on editing global strings.
First, somewhere like maybe your desktop, or maybe a small storage folder next to your main Wow folder, make a New Text Document, then rename it to something like EditedGlobalStrings.lua (make sure it does not end in .txt). You will end up with 2 copies of this file, one in a 'safe' place like this where it won't get over-written, and the other will be your 'active' copy. Open up your file in Notepad or your favorite text editor.
Next, go to
Do not be afraid of all those strings. You don't need to worry about most of them. Think of something you wish to alter, like "Your share of the loot". Use the find function (in MSIE you still need to use ctrl F, in Firefox you can just start typing /your share, and it will start the search) to look for the text you want to change. You may need to use F3, but you should pretty quickly find these lines:
LOOT_MONEY_SPLIT = "Your share of the loot is %s.";
LOOT_MONEY_SPLIT_GUILD = "Your share of the loot is %s. (%s deposited to guild bank)";
Copy that entire line into your EGS lua. Now, make the non-variable part (the %s part) say whatever you want. Mine look like
LOOT_MONEY_SPLIT = "Your share: %s.";
LOOT_MONEY_SPLIT_GUILD = "Your share: %s. (%s to gbank)";
This line is for when you are not grouped and loot money:
YOU_LOOT_MONEY_GUILD = "You loot %s. (%s to gbank)";
Save your EditedGlobalStrings.lua. Now we need to put it someplace where the game will know how to read it. You do not overwrite the base global strings in the core code of the game; those are always there. What you do is 'fool' the game into using your strings instead of the base strings. Sort of like having an apple on the counter every morning that you eat for breakfast, but one morning someone has put a banana right in front of the apple, and you take the banana instead. Mm, potassium.
The easiest way to do this is to choose an existing addon that you know you will run on every character that you want to be affected by your edited strings. I use Altoholic on every.character.ever. So I save my EGS.lua and close the Notepad, and open up my Interface/Addons/Altoholic folder and just drop it right in the main folder. Now we have to tell Altoholic to load that lua.
Open the Altoholic.toc (or the .toc file of whatever addon you are using). Go down to the very bottom and just add the name of your file, mine being EditedGlobalStrings.lua. Save the .toc, close the Notepad, and fire up Wowcraft. Now, all characters that have that addon enabled will use your banana-strings instead of the default apple-strings.
Just make sure to always edit your safe file and then drop it into the addon that you've told to use it. Whenever you update the addon that uses your active file, it will wipe out your lua and your edited toc, and you'll have to go put it back in and re-edit the toc. This is why you want a safe copy, one that is not in danger of being over-written.
As you play through the game, you can keep an eye out for things you wish would take up less space in the chat box, then search through the list up there, find the string, and play around with how you want it to look. Happy customizing!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Addons: GuildXP
Addons: GuildXP
Current Wowcraft build: 4.0.3
Whoops! Almost-kinda-maybe breaking my NYR already... to make one post per week. Mayyybeee if I count it as 'per raid week' I'm still good? It's only Monday night. (*shifty eyes*)
I like tracking things. This is why I like Overachiever and Altoholic and Ara Broker Reputations (which I call FactionsFu in my head half the time) and QuestGuru's tracking box. I like the new guild xp system. I wanted a way to easily see how much guild xp has already been gotten and will be gotten and... you know. Stuff. The whole point of LDB is to easily see whatever you want.
GuildXP (Curse|Wowi)is a tiny little thing that shows you some pretty handy stuff.
What you see in the LDB display (actually a feature I requested on his Curse page) is the Daily percentage remaining, which counts down from 100%, and the current level and percentage of the guild as a whole, which counts up from 0%. At first this was a little backwards to me, and I guess if I knew how to edit lua stuff I might change that, but after a while you get used to it. When you mouse over, the display drops down and spells stuff out for you. With the default guild interface, yeah you see the blue bar and you can mouse over for a bit of information, but it's so... general. GuildXP feels much more precise.
I really love the 'days till next level' feature, but I should point out that it continually calculates that number throughout the day. So, if your guild is has 22% remaining for the day but it's only 4pm and you're pretty sure you're going to get daycapped, GuildXP doesn't take that into account. It treats the moment you look as assuming that the day is 'over'. So really, the only time you can 'trust' the 'days till next level' is if no xp has been gotten that day, or if your guild is daycapped. On the other hand, it will never be off by more than one day. And if you're that paranoid about knowing exactly when your guild is going to ding the next level, please check out for the very large chart about halfway down the page.
I've noticed that often, GuildXP doesn't update unless you throw your mouse over it to get the dropdown to pop up for a second. But you know, that's ok. I'm sure the servers don't mind yet another addon pinging every 5 seconds anyway.
If you like more accurate percentages than the default ui can offer you, or if you like to be able to predict when the next level will come, check out GuildXP.
(No, this addon does not tell you when you will be rep-capped for the week. If you want to know, go to Roster tab, Weekly XP dropdown, find your name. If the number says 1575002, you are capped for guild rep this week. The internet needs to stop freaking out, like it's hard to figure out when you're going to be rep-capped. It's not. L2read, internet.)
Current Wowcraft build: 4.0.3
Whoops! Almost-kinda-maybe breaking my NYR already... to make one post per week. Mayyybeee if I count it as 'per raid week' I'm still good? It's only Monday night. (*shifty eyes*)
I like tracking things. This is why I like Overachiever and Altoholic and Ara Broker Reputations (which I call FactionsFu in my head half the time) and QuestGuru's tracking box. I like the new guild xp system. I wanted a way to easily see how much guild xp has already been gotten and will be gotten and... you know. Stuff. The whole point of LDB is to easily see whatever you want.
GuildXP (Curse|
What you see in the LDB display (actually a feature I requested on his Curse page) is the Daily percentage remaining, which counts down from 100%, and the current level and percentage of the guild as a whole, which counts up from 0%. At first this was a little backwards to me, and I guess if I knew how to edit lua stuff I might change that, but after a while you get used to it. When you mouse over, the display drops down and spells stuff out for you. With the default guild interface, yeah you see the blue bar and you can mouse over for a bit of information, but it's so... general. GuildXP feels much more precise.
I really love the 'days till next level' feature, but I should point out that it continually calculates that number throughout the day. So, if your guild is has 22% remaining for the day but it's only 4pm and you're pretty sure you're going to get daycapped, GuildXP doesn't take that into account. It treats the moment you look as assuming that the day is 'over'. So really, the only time you can 'trust' the 'days till next level' is if no xp has been gotten that day, or if your guild is daycapped. On the other hand, it will never be off by more than one day. And if you're that paranoid about knowing exactly when your guild is going to ding the next level, please check out for the very large chart about halfway down the page.
I've noticed that often, GuildXP doesn't update unless you throw your mouse over it to get the dropdown to pop up for a second. But you know, that's ok. I'm sure the servers don't mind yet another addon pinging every 5 seconds anyway.
If you like more accurate percentages than the default ui can offer you, or if you like to be able to predict when the next level will come, check out GuildXP.
(No, this addon does not tell you when you will be rep-capped for the week. If you want to know, go to Roster tab, Weekly XP dropdown, find your name. If the number says 1575002, you are capped for guild rep this week. The internet needs to stop freaking out, like it's hard to figure out when you're going to be rep-capped. It's not. L2read, internet.)
Friday, January 21, 2011
Addons: Minimal Archaeology
Addons: Minimal Archaeology
Current Wowcraft build: 4.0.3
When I first ran into the Archaeology profession in the beta, I was very excited. You dug things up and put them together and got stuff! And there was lore! And it was fun! But when it went in on live, I realized there were a few... I might call them 'flaws' but I know they're really just design elements... that, in my opinion, seriously detract from the enjoyment.
First of all, you're going to spend the next couple of years of your life on griffons, flying between zones, just so you can go dig up three things and get back on a griffon and go to the next one. Wow. Can we say boring? At least there's old-world flying now, so you can just sit down where you need to go without fighting through loads of grey mobs.
Secondly, I will never ever do this on a character that does not have old-world flying, because I would spend all my time riding to the place, killing tons and tons of mobs just to get to one dig, then do that twice more, and then griff my little butt to an entirely different zone to do it all again. No thank you.
Thirdly, since there is no way to control or even really know what area will pop next for you, you constantly have a dilimma: do I fly next door to get that troll/fossil site that just popped up, just so I can clean it out and hopefully get a site I want to pop; or do I fly all the way across the continent for the dig site I want and hope that I didn't just spend ten minutes on a griffon for three digs?
Fourth, there is no way in-game (and there probably wouldn't be, it's not within the scope of the in-game tools to tell you things you don't know) to see a list of all available projects and compare them to the ones you've already done, to know if you should still bother digging up troll and fossil sites. Oh wait!
That's what addons are for.
Meet Minimal Archaeology (Curse | Wowi).
No, it's not Archy. I know everyone is all up in the Archy and I won't tell you to not use Archy, unless you just feel that Archy is the equivalent of the professional painter's 300-color oil paint set when all you want to do is draw a smiley face now and then.
Minimal Archaeology does two things.
1. Shows you in the main window how many fragments for each race you have (with the option of auto-including available keystones), and gives you a Solve button that lights up when ready, as displayed in the upper half of the screenshot.
2. Gives you a list of All Possible Artifacts and tells you what you have and haven't completed, as displayed in the second half of the screenshot.
There's a few more options such as 'play a sound when something is ready to be solved', but generally? Minimal Archaeology is really... minimal. And that's kinda nice.
It probably won't make me do archaeology any more often than I already don't... but I know that whenever I do get the bug to pop in a movie and watch it while flying around from zone to zone... to zone... to zone... that this handy-dandy polite little addon will be there, ready to tell me at a glance all the important stuff with no extra fluff.
Current Wowcraft build: 4.0.3
When I first ran into the Archaeology profession in the beta, I was very excited. You dug things up and put them together and got stuff! And there was lore! And it was fun! But when it went in on live, I realized there were a few... I might call them 'flaws' but I know they're really just design elements... that, in my opinion, seriously detract from the enjoyment.
First of all, you're going to spend the next couple of years of your life on griffons, flying between zones, just so you can go dig up three things and get back on a griffon and go to the next one. Wow. Can we say boring? At least there's old-world flying now, so you can just sit down where you need to go without fighting through loads of grey mobs.
Secondly, I will never ever do this on a character that does not have old-world flying, because I would spend all my time riding to the place, killing tons and tons of mobs just to get to one dig, then do that twice more, and then griff my little butt to an entirely different zone to do it all again. No thank you.
Thirdly, since there is no way to control or even really know what area will pop next for you, you constantly have a dilimma: do I fly next door to get that troll/fossil site that just popped up, just so I can clean it out and hopefully get a site I want to pop; or do I fly all the way across the continent for the dig site I want and hope that I didn't just spend ten minutes on a griffon for three digs?
Fourth, there is no way in-game (and there probably wouldn't be, it's not within the scope of the in-game tools to tell you things you don't know) to see a list of all available projects and compare them to the ones you've already done, to know if you should still bother digging up troll and fossil sites. Oh wait!
That's what addons are for.
Meet Minimal Archaeology (Curse | Wowi).
No, it's not Archy. I know everyone is all up in the Archy and I won't tell you to not use Archy, unless you just feel that Archy is the equivalent of the professional painter's 300-color oil paint set when all you want to do is draw a smiley face now and then.
Minimal Archaeology does two things.
1. Shows you in the main window how many fragments for each race you have (with the option of auto-including available keystones), and gives you a Solve button that lights up when ready, as displayed in the upper half of the screenshot.
2. Gives you a list of All Possible Artifacts and tells you what you have and haven't completed, as displayed in the second half of the screenshot.
There's a few more options such as 'play a sound when something is ready to be solved', but generally? Minimal Archaeology is really... minimal. And that's kinda nice.
It probably won't make me do archaeology any more often than I already don't... but I know that whenever I do get the bug to pop in a movie and watch it while flying around from zone to zone... to zone... to zone... that this handy-dandy polite little addon will be there, ready to tell me at a glance all the important stuff with no extra fluff.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Addons: Ara Broker Reputations
Addons: Ara Broker Reputations
Current Wowcraft build: 4.0.3
Let us all observe a moment of silence for FactionsFu.
FactionsFu was introduced to me by my friend Greta. She was all, "You like grinding rep! You'll love this addon!" And I was all, "ehhh, more addons." (This was back in the day, you can tell.) We were in Nagrand, I recall, working on the Nesingwary quests, so my main was all of... 64, 65 or so. And Greta pressured me to get it, so I said 'ok'.
Greta, did I ever properly say thank you? Thank you. FactionsFu lasted me all throughout my vanilla, BC, and Wrath rep grinds. It was there with me while I went Insane. It doggedly survived the Cataclysm impact.
Now I can finally lay it to rest. Sleep well, dear FactionsFu. You might truly have been my favorite.
Fortunately, the legacy lives on. Aranarth has given us Ara Broker Reputations.
Ara Broker Reputations works 99% the same as FactionsFu. The only difference I've seen is that you can't link factions to zones. If that feature were available, I'd use it, but I barely miss it not being there.
Ara Broker Reputations is a native LDB plugin, so it works perfectly with your ChocolateBar! By default, it uses the Blizzard color scheme, where everything Honored and above is the same shade of green, but there's an option in the right-click menu to change that.
If you liked FactionsFu but find it doesn't work anymore, get Ara Broker Reputations. But drink a draught to its spiritual father, because ABR wouldn't be here had not FactionsFu been here first.
Current Wowcraft build: 4.0.3
Let us all observe a moment of silence for FactionsFu.
FactionsFu was introduced to me by my friend Greta. She was all, "You like grinding rep! You'll love this addon!" And I was all, "ehhh, more addons." (This was back in the day, you can tell.) We were in Nagrand, I recall, working on the Nesingwary quests, so my main was all of... 64, 65 or so. And Greta pressured me to get it, so I said 'ok'.
Greta, did I ever properly say thank you? Thank you. FactionsFu lasted me all throughout my vanilla, BC, and Wrath rep grinds. It was there with me while I went Insane. It doggedly survived the Cataclysm impact.
Now I can finally lay it to rest. Sleep well, dear FactionsFu. You might truly have been my favorite.
Fortunately, the legacy lives on. Aranarth has given us Ara Broker Reputations.
Ara Broker Reputations works 99% the same as FactionsFu. The only difference I've seen is that you can't link factions to zones. If that feature were available, I'd use it, but I barely miss it not being there.
Ara Broker Reputations is a native LDB plugin, so it works perfectly with your ChocolateBar! By default, it uses the Blizzard color scheme, where everything Honored and above is the same shade of green, but there's an option in the right-click menu to change that.
If you liked FactionsFu but find it doesn't work anymore, get Ara Broker Reputations. But drink a draught to its spiritual father, because ABR wouldn't be here had not FactionsFu been here first.
Gear List: Warrior Tank, 85 pre-raid
Gear List: Warrior Tank, 85 Pre-raid
Current Wowcraft build: 4.0.3.
Pysche! This isn't even my list. The entire point of this post is to say go check out Kadomi's awesome Cata pre-raiding gear list for warrior tanks! At least 3 choices for every slot (except our poor neglected range slots, come on Blizz, not even a 325?), organized and prettified and everything!
Check it out! What are you waiting for? For me to post again? Well if you insist.
Current Wowcraft build: 4.0.3.
Pysche! This isn't even my list. The entire point of this post is to say go check out Kadomi's awesome Cata pre-raiding gear list for warrior tanks! At least 3 choices for every slot (except our poor neglected range slots, come on Blizz, not even a 325?), organized and prettified and everything!
Check it out! What are you waiting for? For me to post again? Well if you insist.
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