Thursday, November 11, 2010

Addons: CompanionClone

Addons: CompanionClone
Current Wowcraft build: 4.0.1

Are you in a raid and see someone has their Spring Rabbit out, and you want yours out too? Don't poke through ten pages of un-searchable non-combat pet icons; CompanionClone it!

Are you in an RDF and someone has their Stinker out? Don't waste valuable time searching for one of your Black Cats; CompanionClone will choose the purr-fect playmate!

See someone boasting that they have a SuperRarePet? Take their epeen down a notch by instantly pulling yours out for comparison. Your pet, I mean. CompanionClone works as fast as you can target a non-combat pet and click a macro or an LDB icon.

COMPANIONCLONE (Curse), now available at Curse-dot-com, for all your noncombat-pet-cloning needs!

CompanionClone has recently been upgraded to include MountClone support, and comes with a free LDB plugin to fit snugly into your ChocolateBar. Don't delay! Download today!

Warning: CompanionClone is only able to clone companions and mounts already owned by the cloner any attempt to clone an un-owned companion or mount will result in an unobtrusive error message only for use by licensed individuals do not attempt without the appropriate training the maker of CompanionClone LuaCayenne is not responsible for any cloned mount which lasts longer than four hours use as directed.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Addons: Long Live wMarker

Addons: wMarker
Current Wowcraft build: 4.0.1

LuckyCharms2 is dead. Long live wMarker!

I am sad beyond words that I did not find this addon months ago (although to be fair, it appears to have been uploaded the first time on Aug 20, so... two months?).

Nearly a year ago, I made a post in the WowInterface forums, asking for recs for a good LDB raid-icon marking addon. I got six replies, but sadly, none of them worked out. One was flat-out broken, one was not a click-to-assign-icons at all, and 3 appeared to do exactly what LuckyCharms2 did, only less well. The sixth was an addon called OPie, the coolest-looking addon that does not fit my playstyle in any way I could think of. And I tried so hard to make myself find a reason to keep it, but for me, it was more of a hassle than a help.

I really just need to click a mob, and click a skull, and the mob will have a skull. Click a mob, click the x. And ideally, this dream addon would fit into my ChocoBar.

When 401 hit and LuckyCharms2 became Do Not Resuscitate, I wondered how long I could last without a raid icon marking addon. The answer: about three minutes of combat. So I dug up my old thread and prepared to edit/bump it with a new impassioned cry of "help!" But something in the back of my head said, 'go check out those old recs.' So I did.

They still didn't look like they were going to work for me. But then the little voice went, 'well, before you post, look through the Raid Mods category. maybe you'll get lucky."

I got lucky. Ecstatically lucky.

Meet wMarker (Wowi).

wMarker frame locked from moving.

wMarker frame unlocked and ready to move.

wMarker by itself doesn't plug into an LDB frame. In fact, I had to go into ChocoBar's settings and reassign it's strata to be 'Background' (or 'Low' or something like that). Once I did that, wMarker 'rides over' my ChocoBar, and kinda pretends it's an LDB addon. Kinda.

wMarker with no border, top and center of my screen, with ChocoBar strata set to Background.

If you DL wMarker from Wowi but you don't have 'load out of date addons' checked, you will need to toc-cheat it to make it work. Don't worry, it won't break anything. And wMarker does not appear in your Interface Addons list, you will need to use the '/wm options' command to open the options box.

I could break into all-caps right now and start exulting about how freakin' happy I am that this addon exists, and that I found it and it works and YAY. But you can just imagine me over here, squeeing over a simple raid marking addon. I'm happy ^__^.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Addons: Four Point Oh Point One

Addons: Many!
Current Wowcraft build: 4.0.1!

Ohsnap! It's 4.0.1! All the addons are brokeded! So are my post-making skills, seeing as how I've lost the previous two drafts of this post. So! Since the InternetDeity seems to want me to dispense with the talkytalky, here's a list of the addons I lurve (or use anyway *looks at Pitbull4*), and links to their 401-ready builds. (Yes I will be editing this post frequently over the next few days. Bolded names just means I've gotten their links all done.)

ARL (StaW | Curse | Wowi) and Collectinator (StaW | Curse | Wowi) - Collectinator is "ARL for pets/mounts". A.K.A.: yay!
Altoholic (StaW | Curse | Wowi) - delete your old folders and SV files (alto.lua and all datastore.lua) first
Atlas (StaW | Curse | Wowi) and AtlasLoot (StaW | Curse | Wowi)
Auctioneer (As of this posting, it is only available at - Select AuctioneerSuite if you want everything, and skip over the other 3.) - yes I know it's bloated. I suffer with it anyway b/c I don't want to lose my BeanCounter file : p
Bartender4 (StaW | Curse | Wowi) - complete with funky new darker-edgier look.
Broker_Equipment (StaW | Curse | Wowi) - Now that the Blizz EquipManager saves 'don't save this slot', I can use it now. It's not quite as shiny as ItemRack, but it does what I need, which is letting me change sets from my ChocolateBar. While this project has 'a' Curse page, it has not been updated for 401 there, last I looked.
Broker_repair (lovely edition) (StaW | Curse | Wowi) an LDB dura/repair mod. As of this posting, my overall dura-% will display in ChocoBar, but mousing over the addon throws an error.
Chatter (StaW | Curse | Wowi) - there is 'a' Wowi page, but it's not updated.
ChocolateBar (StaW | Curse | Wowi)
CurrencyTracker (StaW | Curse | Wowi) - LDB replacement for CurrencyFu
DeadlyBossMods (StaW | Curse | Wowi)
DropTheCheapestThing (StaW | Curse | Wowi) - LDB and memlite version of GarbageFu.
Elk's Buff Bars (StaW | Curse | Wowi) man I forgot how much I hated default buffs. (exists on Wowi but out of date there)
GatherMate (StaW | Curse | Wowi)
GnomishVendorShrinker (StaW | Curse | Wowi) - Love this addon, but check the StaW page for directions on how to fix that fuglay number font
GuildBankList (StaW | Curse | Wowi)
Healbot (StaW | Curse | Wowi) - because Grid and/or Clique never seemed to speak my language....
Heatsink (StaW | Curse | Wowi)
Lightheaded (StaW | Curse | Wowi) - because the only thing better than Wowhead is not having to tab out of Wow to get there
Mapster (StaW | Curse | Wowi)
Mik Scrolling Battle Text (StaW | Curse | Wowi)
Omen (StaW | Curse | Wowi)
OneBag (StaW | Curse | Wowi) + OneBank (StaW | Curse | Wowi) + OneRing (StaW | Curse | Wowi)
PallyPower (StaW | Curse | Wowi) - so technically I've reinstalled this, but I think the pally changes have rendered this almost unnecessary, except for maybe 25mans. Included here anyway.
PitBull4 (StaW | Curse | Wowi) - Love the way it looks, hate having to open the config. Much less... actually config.
Postal (StaW | Curse | Wowi) - I underestimated how useful this is for my bankalt. I wish I'd gotten it a long time ago.
Quartz (StaW | Curse | Wowi)
QuestGuru (StaW | Curse | Wowi) - As of 10/16, the onscreen tracker is still somewhat buggy.
RaidBuffStatus (StaW | Curse | Wowi) - I think this addon guaranteed I will never be made Main Assist in a raid again >_>
Recount (StaW | Curse | Wowi)
TidyPlates (StaW | Curse | Wowi) and ThreatPlates (StaW | Curse | Wowi)
TomTom (StaW | Curse | Wowi)
TourGuide (StaW | Curse | Wowi) - a Tekkub addon. Questhelper is dead, long live TourGuide!
Volumizer (StaW | Curse | Wowi) - from the ARL guy; an LDB plugin to change your in-game volumes without getting into the big sound menu.

I will edit this post and add in updated-for-401 addons as they become available. Ones I'm still missing, personally: Overachiever, Livestock, ORA3, RatingsBuster, and Xparky or some other LDB xp display. But wow! This list is so much smaller than it was on Wednesday, haha.

Side note! I successfully toc-cheated Teksloot (StaW) and FactionsFu (StaW). Toc-cheating is when you go into an addon's Name.toc file (teksloot.toc or factionsfu.toc) and edit the first line to read Interface: 40000 instead of whatever other numbers might be there. WHY THIS IS DANGEROUS: toc-cheating makes the game think that the addon is up to date, which mostly just allows you to not check 'load out of date addons'. The game will try to load the addon and process its code according to current API specs. Some addons don't actually 'break' when a big patch goes through; all the code they use to do their stuff still works fine, and so toc-cheating doesn't really hurt anything. But if an addon really did break with the patch, toc-cheating can, at least, give you one or more (or thirty, or three hundred) Lua errors... and at worse can crash your game. I tried to toc-cheat Elk's Buff Bars and Overachiever and uh... it ended poorly. I'll just say that.

Use this information wisely, my friends, and be prepared to suffer the consequences of poor toc-cheating decisions : p. On the other hand, my lovely FactionsFu may you live forever is still functional. Now if I can just get Fubar2Broker to work, I'll be a very happy little Sanna. Well, that, and a raidicon marking addon. LuckyCharms2 is deader than a very dead thing.

(Edited in, a few days later: I went to edit this post and somehow it got... removed from the main post listing? I'm still learning the Blogger ropes, but if this looks like the second posting of this same post to you... it is! +1 Blogger xp for me : p)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Addon: Tidy-ThreatPlates

Addons: Tidy and Threat Plates
Current Wowcraft build: 3.3.5.

Yes, I've been gone forever. There are durn good reasons why, though. One is the Kingslayer title, which I now have. The other is the Insane title, which I also now have. And even beyond the hours and hours of work spent getting those titles ( X DD ), I've known in the back of my head that my next addon post was going to be about Pitbull4. And I really don't want to write up a post about Pitbull4.

But also, I got into the beta, so I've been playing that some. And since 4.0.1 got pushed to the PTR, a couple of things occurred to me in quick succession.

1. Wrath is 'ending' soon, and my 'bucket list' is still pretty big. There's still so much to DO. How can anyone be bored with this game? I don't understand. For one, I'm very close to 2500 emblems looted, and since all that emblem-change stuff just got announced yesterday, my already-lit-fire just got another log thrown on it. Also, I Really Really Want That Sarth 3D Drake. I wouldn't be surprised if Blizz nerfs the drop rate, so I really need to make sure I put together a 3D run every week now. And there's tons and tons of raiding achieves I'd like to mop up, not to mention I'd like to do more ICC raiding.... HOW is anyone bored with this game? I could play 12 hours a day from now till the end of November and not get it all done X D.

2. Every freakin' addon is going to break and need patching when 4.0 hits. Every addon is going to break AGAIN when Cata itself drops. Some addons may become obsolete, and some may not be fixed by their authors. (I just know FactionsFu is going to die and then I will be a SAD SANNA. SAD FOREVER.) So why recommend an addon now, when it's going to break in a month or two?

Number two there (and my 'don't want to write about Pitbull4' dilemma) got answered for me by a guildie, who asked me one day over vent, "have you heard of an addon called um.... Threat Plates?" And I said "YES OMG I LOVE THREATPLATES." I think I said it exactly like that too. Caps and bold and everything. And I would also like to specify that when I say 'love' here, I really mean 'I cannot tank effectively without this addon.'

Threat Plates (Curse|Wowi) (which requires the addon Tidy Plates (Curse|Wowi) as a base) makes the healthbars over the mobs' heads look like this:

This was taken when I was on my tank, so I have 'full threat' on the Advisor, and I have 'half threat' on the Tactician. (I was either gaining threat on a low-threat mob or, more probable, losing threat on a high-threat mob.) Threat Plates can tell what spec I'm in (prot spec) and knows that having threat is good for me (since I'm the tank) and colors and sizes the health bars accordingly.

But this shot works equally well if I had been on my priest. Since Threat Plates would be able to tell "at no point should she ever have aggro," then when I do not have aggro, the bar is green, and if I am gaining dangerous amounts of aggro (perhaps I could be the priest in charge of shackling the Tactician), then the bar is yellow like that.

Bad aggro (either a tank without aggro, or a healer/dps with it) looks like this:

I know you can't really see them relative to each other, but red bars are much larger than yellow bars, which are a little larger than green ones.

This addon works wonderfully everywhere in the game except Culling of Strat where all the excess little zombies clutter up your screen. Also, there is currently not support for "I am one tank in a raid and there is another tank, so if he has aggro and I don't, that's ok, don't show me red bars." People have asked for it from the Threat Plates author so I know he's aware that it's a desired functionality, and personally I'd rather have this not break when Cata comes out, so he can keep working on that if he needs to ^_^.

If you're a tank, check out this addon. If you're a dps who doesn't know how to watch aggro, get this addon. If you're a dps who aoe's and has a tendency to pull aggro that way, get this addon. If you ever say to yourself, "I wish I could easily see if I have enough threat on this mob, and if there's another mob I really ought to be building threat on," get this addon.

Next post: Pitbull4.... maybe. If I feel like taking and cropping and uploading and inserting that many screenshots. : x.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Addons: GuildBankList

Addons: GuildBankList
Current Wowcraft build: 3.3.5.

Ask, and ye sometimes actually shall receive.

I love the way that Gnomish Vendor Shrinker so neatly re-arranges and organizes the vendor window, and I thought, if only someone would do that to guild banks. I went looking and looking and it seemed nobody had made a gbank-reskin addon.

So I made a request in the forums (seeing as how I know more Russian than I know LUA -- not an exaggeration, btw, as, in theory, I used to know the word for 'vacuum'), and Seerah liked my idea and a few days later, lo and behold, now we have GuildBankList.

Please visit GuildBankList at Wowinterface to see the big versions of those screenshots.

GuildBankList does not 'perform a function' upon the gbank (when I was looking around, I found a few 'organizers' that would re-sort the items in your gbank for you -- I guess some might find that useful but that really wasn't what I was hoping for). All GuildBankList does is alter the way you see the content of your gbank. It will show you:
* item name
* item quality
* item level
* required level to use
* item type (ex.Trade Goods)
* item sub-type (ex. Meat)
* vendor price

Not everyone's going to like this. After all, to some, the only thing worse than looking through 98 squares of icons is having to look through a list of 98 rows. But personally? I love it. SO THERE. And other 5-year-old comebacks : p.

Anyway, I'm totally stoked that someone (yay Seerah!) took my idea and made something actually useable, and I hope many many people get lots of great use out of it. So check it out!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Addons: QuestGuru

Addons: QuestGuru
Current Wowcraft build: 3.3.3.

Sanna's not dead! I had a temp job that kind of ate my life for a bit. But sometimes you need a break, even from Wowcraft.

Today I'm going to make a brief little post about QuestGuru (Curse | Wowi).

Back like six months ago (or more, idrk), one of the big selling points I had for Overachiever was that it would allow you to track more than one achievement on your screen at once; also, it would let you move the achievement tracker around on your screen. Then Blizz changed the stuff about the in-game achievement/quest tracker, and allowed you to track multiple achievements, but then they shoved it in with the in-game quest tracker and then removed the ability to move it around.

Or so I thought.

QuestGuru takes your achievement tracking frame and your quest tracking frame and move them wherever you want on your screen, either independently of each other or as one unit, and in the quest frame, you can minimize one zone's worth of quests while you work on another. It also reskins your quest log to be a bit more... minimalistic? might be the right word. But I didn't screenshot that. (It has some pretty neat options tho, tracking completed quests and abandoned quests... and yes, it does work with Lightheaded.)

QuestGuru also has options for announcing certain steps of quest completion to party chat, which is, in my not-entirely-humble opinion, really freakin' necessary for doing Tourney dailies in a group. It keeps you from having to nag your groupmates about how close to done they are, "how many more scouts do you need? How many more berserkers?" Instead, it helpfully informs your groupmates, 'yes I'm done with commanders, let's get out of this miserable place.' ( You will probably want to edit this option as soon as you install QuestGuru, you'll want to head into QuestGuru options > QG Announcer, and make sure your preferred options are checked or unchecked. )

QuestGuru also communicates with other players who also use QuestGuru. I don't think it's anything as invasive as what Questhelper does, but it's useful stuff. Who's on a quest with you, and, I think, how much they've gotten done.

Also, what I've done to my quest tracker, with the colors there, that's in QuestGuru options > QG Tracker > Colorize objective progress. You can also choose the colors that signify "not done at all" to "done". It's pretty neat. Or you can just turn that off and have it be gray.

For a long time I resisted having an addon for my quest log, but now that I've found QuestGuru (ty pir!), it's on my Must-Have list.

Then again, nearly all my addons are on my Must-Have list. So make of that what you will.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Addons: Gnomish Vendor Shrinker

Addons: Gnomish Vendor Shrinker
Current Wowcraft build: 3.3.3.

My last post was about a Tekkub addon and so is this one! Gnomish Vendor Shrinker (Curse|Wowinterface). How did I live before this addon, I don't know. Actually, I've always hated the default vendor display. The obsession with icon size, the truncated names, the part where I had to cull through page after page after page of stuff I didn't want to find the one piece of gear I did want... the terrifying fear that I would click the wrong item and waste badges (this was before the 'sell back to vendor for refund' function which is AMAZING, thank you Blizzard)....

If only I'd known more about addons then.

This particular screenshot is from my leetle shammy's view of one of the JC vendors. There's kind of a lot going on here.

First of all, most generically, observe how neat and organized GVS makes the vendor box. Gone are the screen-hogging icons that tell you so little. The emphasis is on the name of the item, and all items are arranged in a single, easily-scrollable column, with price displayed clearly on the right-hand side. For items you need to buy in bulk (reagents, water), you click the little right-arrow and it brings up the quantity box.

If I were looking at the Emblem of Triumph vendor while on my, say, priest who can only wear cloth, items she cannot wear would be highlighted in red. Similarly, items you cannot purchase or use for a level insufficient-skill or reputation reason are highlighted in red.

As you can see from this screenshot, my shaman can potentially learn all of these recipes, but the only one she knows is the Insightful. Thus, it is not blue, while all the ones she can still learn are blue. How handy!

I should point out that there is a itsy-bitsy code issue when you initially install GVS; Tekkub did something odd with the number code, I think he runs a font-replacement addon that makes the code as written look better for him. For everyone else, when you get this addon:
  • Open Interface/Addons/GnomishVendorShrinker/GnomishVendorShrinker.lua
  • Search for NumberFontNormalSmall
  • There are 2 copies of it
  • Change them both to GameFontNormalSmall
  • Save the lua and load Wowcraft. Your numbers will now appear normal.

To anyone who's been frustrated with the vendors for any reason that I listed above, give this addon a try. I really think it will make your gameplay just a little bit better. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Addons: Teksloot

Addons: Teksloot
Current Wowcraft build: 3.3.3.

I love the Disenchant Roll function. I love it more than I want to spend time saying how much I love it. However. One thing I really wish Blizz would do is disallow Disenchant rolls on BOE Blues and Purples. Drives me NUTS when people DE the BOEs. If it's really that worthless, it's not that hard to find an enchanter to nuke it for you later, and especially in regards to BOE Purples... they're probably not that value-less yet, kthx.

If only there were a way to easily see what's a BOE without having to mouse over the item.


Teksloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot (Curse|Wowinterface). Look at that! Nice green letters that say DON'T ROLL DE ON ME, MKAY.

Also, the Teksloot screen footprint is something like 45% of the in-game roll box. You can use the /teksloot command to bring up the little move-me box, so you can put it anywhere you want on your screen. You see how in the picture, both roll boxes are purple? That's because I just happened to screenshot some epic items. Rare items have blue boxes, green items are, well, green.

Tekkub is the shiznit (yes I know that word is so 90s, but I'm in a 'z'-y mood today) and the addons of his I run, I absolutely love. For the record, those are GnomishVendorShrinker, VendorBait and TourGuide (it's up! it's down! it's back! I have no idea what's going on with TG but as of today, it's up on Wowi so get it while you can). I know people who love Cork, I personally haven't tried it yet. I'll make another post on GVS+VB later. I mostly just wanted to get this up here chopchop.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Addons: Raid Package: DBM Omen Recount HB ORA3 LC2

Addons: The Raid Package
Current Wowcraft build: 3.3.3.

Ok, technically, 3.3.3 is patching while I type this. Close enough!

Some guilds require certain addons in order for you to raid with them. My guild doesn't really require anything, addon-wise... but there are some that are just far too useful to have. It should be noted that none of these are bar mods or unit frame mods, also, that most of these are useful even in 5-mans or soloing.

Deadly Boss Mods - - some people use something else but I have never found DBM to be insufficient in any way (except that I wish it still had information for old BC/vanilla fights (TWIN EMPS ;_;) ). You can set or de-select for announcements for anything the boss can do; you can have boss frames on your screen (Stalag/Feugen, or the 4 Horsemen, or Gluth if you're on zombies... sorry that all my examples come from Naxx, I'm a tank and usually have the boss targeted on single-boss fights X D); it will tell you when to run from Flame Wall on Sarth; it will tell you how many stacks of The Debuff your other tank has, so you know when to taunt. It's just so handy. And necessary. Git it. Luff it. Keep it updated ^_^.

Omen Threat Meter (Curse|Wowinterface) - yes, the game has API for threat, including the little red-shadow-coloration thing. But this will show you just how much threat the tank has over the next dps. If you tank or dps, you need this. If you heal, maybe not so much.

Recount (Curse|Wowinterface) - if you want to raid, you need to know what your DPS is. Protip: your DPS is not equivalent to the damage you deal on a crit. Just because you can crit for 4k does not mean you do 4k dps. To get a good idea of what DPS you can do, get Recount and go through 5 different heroics with as much different group makeup as possible. Reset the data between each run, and average the 5 numbers you get. Add about 400 to get your projected 10-man dps number, and add ~800 to get a projected 25-man dps number.
ALL FIGHTS ARE DIFFERENT. THE PLAYER IS NOT EQUIVALENT TO HIS DPS NUMBER ON ANY SINGLE FIGHT. Recount is a tool. I'm assuming you're not a tool yourself, and can use this tool wisely.
Recount also tells you a lot of other handy info (hps, overheals, and more).

As you can see, hunters should be nerfed. (J/k... I clearly didn't screenshot the VOA-25 pug where the 3 rogues from my guild were all top dps.)

Healbot - (Curse|Wowinterface) - Some people live and die (and rez) by Grid, or Clique, or other addons. I could never get used to Grid on my priest. Also, I don't play my healy alts enough to have all the uncommon mouse-click-keybinds memorized; I need that reminder tooltip. Healbot has come a long way over the past 6-8 months in adding useful and necessary functionality. If you tried it before then and didn't like it, give it another shot.

ORA3 (Curse|Wowinterface) - not compatible with ORA2, but does stuff better. This one will show you CDs of things like warlock soulstones, druid battle rezzes, paladin DIs, warrior shield walls, things that are good to know when you're leading a 10- or 25-man raid and need to call out brezzes or whatnot. But, the other people that you're getting the info from also need to run ORA3. So even if you don't want to see all this yourself, run it in the background while you raid. Never know when it will come in handy. Especially if you're a druid.

(I'll try to get a better screenshot later; we're doing a 25-man tonight, so I'll see if we end up using brezzes and things.)
Also I think it does other handy things, but I haven't played around with them enough just yet. Still, if you raid, ask your raid leader if they want to use this... chances are they will like it enough that they'll say "sweet, yeah, let's do this."

LuckyCharms2 - ok! I just spent 2 hours Googling the internet, trying to find where this addon has disappeared off to! The other tanks in my guild keybind Raid Icons to F-keys... but all my F-keys are spoken for. The non-tanks who bother to raid mark do it with the slow slow slow way of "right click target name, mouse to raid icons, mouse to icon and click." The Curse links are gone, Wowinterface returns no results on search... I don't know what happened to it. I'm really surprised such a great addon has gone MIA. Technically, I'm also surprised there aren't more good raid-icon-marking addons in the first place. How do people mark without a clicky addon?

Seriously. Comment and let me know how you mark icons on targets. I really actually want to know.

Update, Aug 2, 2010: Like me, wants to know where LC2 went. Fortunately, he's hosting build 2.8.2 at that link right there, so hopefully one-click raid-marking is back in business. Snag this quick before the internet hiccups again X D.

Next post will probably be about bar mods and unitframe mods. Which means lots of screenshots. So it might be a bit. Plus servers should be going up soon. So.... it might be a bit ^__^.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I'm 77 Now What? Hodir

I'm 77 Now What? Hodir
Current Wowcraft build: 3.3.2.

This is a continuation of a previous post, titled I'm 77 Now What? Tourney, in which I discussed the importance of Cold Flying (well, briefly), Tabards (slightly less briefly), and the Argent Tournament (significantly less briefly).

What else can you do as soon as you hit 77 and get your shiny CWF?

Hodir rep. Or, as I call them, Sons of Frostybutt. The main draw of this reputation are: awesome shoulder enchants (that are now bind-on-account!) and the 8k Mammoth-with-seats mount. This rep used to be a horrific grind, but when I leveled my priest and sent her through the Hodir chain, she did it all in a day. And got to... I think 1/3 Revered? And I had quite a few Relics of Ulduar stored up that I just turned in. So I really did the whole thing in a day. Which is almost really frustrating, for those of us who ground and ground and did dailies for days on end. But you know. It's nice, it really is.

To start the really long but totally neat Hodir intro quest chain, go to Storm Peaks, to K3, and find a little girl goblin that gives you a quest called They Took Our Men! That's the Wowhead link, and I recommend that you follow the quest chain there, it's very well documented. Did I mention the chain is long? It's a long quest chain. But it's GREAT. Don't rush through it. Discover it, especially if this is your first character through this content. The only thing I would add is a note on how to do: Thrusting Hodir's Spear.

Many people hate this quest. It really isn't terrible to do. If you've played FF12, you'll know what I mean when I say, "Set up gambits in your head. If [these conditions apply] Do [this action]. If [other conditions] Do [other action]."


Get the wyrm.

Phase 1: Alternate 1 and 3 to keep your grip up.
When the wyrm Swipes (yellow text on your screen), then and ONLY then should you 2 (Dodge).
If you see DODGED, then and ONLY then should you 4 (Mighty Thrust).
If you 2 and 4 is still on CD, don't worry, just 1-3 1-3.

Phase 2, get at least 10 stacks of 1 before going for the kill. If you miss, get 3 more and try again.
Good luck!

Or, in gambit/sql form:
If DODGED, Do 4.
If Swipes at you, Do 2.
Else, do 1-3.

(Humans will read that list backwards, as such: "do 1-3 repeat until Swipe = do 2, if Dodged = do 4.")

It might take you a pass or two to learn the fight. But I did this every honkin' day on my warrior, and I know I died less than 5 times to it. This was back when grinding Hodir took forever. You might only have to do it once. I guess technically you could even skip it. But why? It's fun! You get to ride around on a giant drake and stab it to death in midair! This is the stuff they write old Greek tragedies about! And/or comedies. And/or epic poems.

Moving on.

The Hodir quest chain has, hands-down, THE BEST, the most fun, quest in the entire game. You fly to the really tall mountain in SP and duel big blue chicks on moving drakes and shove their corpses into the clouds below. Then jump to another drake and do it again. Yeah, it sounds pretty gory when I say it like, but honestly? Best. Quest. Ever. When people say "Blizz really made awesome quests for Wrath," this is the quest they're talking about.


Also the xp is pretty sweet. And sure it'll take you a while to save 8k for that mammoth, but! Seatsmammoth. Seatsmammoth. Everyone will love you for carting them around. You might even be able to sell rides to take people's alts around to flight points. Or maybe you'll just do it for your friends and guildies, out of the goodness of your heart.

Ok it's pretty late here, so I'll just wrap up by saying: remember to do at least one Random Dungeon every day, for your Emblems of Triumph, do your Tourney dailies every day for the phat xp and sweet cash, and if you keep chugging through quests (or if you just grind dungeons), you will find yourself 80 in no time. And then it's a whole bigger ballgame.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I'm 77 Now What? Tourney

I'm 77, Now What? Tourney
Current Wowcraft build: 3.3.2.

Much of the 'end game' actually starts to open up to you when you ding 77, especially if this is your first character to that level. You get Cold Flying for the first time. You can start Hodir dailies. You can start Tourney dailies. You can do Storm Peaks and Icecrown quests (which, aside from the irritating zoning-affected group quests in IC, are really a lot of fun). You can queue in the Random Dungeon Finder for the high-end T7 (launch) dungeons, and you can wear one of the 4 dungeon-rep tabards while you do so.

Regarding the Tabards, being Tabard of the Kirin Tor, Tabard of the Argent Crusade, Tabard of the Wyrmrest Accord, Tabard of the Ebon Blade : you can pick up any of those as soon as you hit Friendly with the appropriate faction. (Those are all Wowhead links, you can find the location of the Quartermaster for each faction there. Protip: the Argent Crusade guy is hiding under a little tent near Tirion.) So even if you're not 77 yet, I'd recommend getting each tabard as soon as you can. Also recommended: get Kirin Tor first and wear it first; they're the main rep in Dalaran, so having them exalted sooner means saving money on repairs, reagents, waters, and anything else you buy there.

The first thing you should do when you hit 77 is buy Cold Weather Flying! Go to the flight area in Dalaran and look for the big blue dragonhawk. Fork over a thousand gold (it's a lot but totes worth it; take loans from your friends if you have to, you can pay them back really quickly) and fire up your shiny shiny flying mount.

I would recommend starting with Argent Tournament, or Tourney, first. Get on your shiny shiny flying mount and head north out of Dalaran, up to the north-east corner of Icecrown. You'll come to the Tourney area. Grab the flight point, then go to the left and find Justicar Mariel Trueheart. She's on the horse in the doorway of the rectangular tent that's on the west end of the Tourney grounds. She will send* you to the circular tent on the east end of the Tourney; north side for Alliance, south side for Horde. Talk to the NPCs there, and become an Aspirant. They will give you some "learn how to" quests on jousting.

(* - This Wowhead link contains a comment laying out all the tourney stuff in order. It's a very handy comment, for people who like lists. I will briefly go over points of note, but I will not be linking individual quests like they do.)

  • Sanna's Tip: If your mouse supports this, I would highly recommend re-keying one of your thumb keys to 'move backwards'. This is not so critical on the stationary targets, but it will make jousting actual NPCs not suck. In fact, keyboard-primary movement is generally a really bad idea, if you can avoid it at all.

After jousting some stationary targets, you will get a quest to 'collect Aspirant seals', as well as access to 3 quests that give you Aspirant seals. But you need 15 seals and doing all three quests only gives you 5. You will need to come back for the next 2 days to get 5 more Aspirant seals.

Quick breakdown of the Aspirant quests:
You will always get the "kill 8 Scourge" one, which you can do right south of the tourney grounds.
You will also always get the "joust all the stationary targets" daily.
However, you will get one of the following randomly-changing Weapon quests: A Blade Fit For A Champion or A Worthy Weapon or The Edge of Winter. They break down as follows:
  • Edge of Winter requires you to go to Crystalsong, kill a fiery guy (he has 12khp), take the drop off of him, go all the way to the lake in the north part of HF, and click the item on the dryad frozen in the block of ice. She gives you a sword to take all the way back to the Tourney.
  • Worthy Weapon requires you to go to the big Wall between IC and Crystalsong and collect 4 flowers, then go to the lake where DB, Grizzly, and ZD meet. There's a circle of lillies in the water; drop into the middle of that, 'use' the flowers to summon the Maiden. She gives you a sword to take all the way back to the Tourney.
  • Champion blade is a huge pita. Go to the lake in the middle of Grizzly. Use this macro:
    /tar Lake Frog
    /use Warts-B-Gone Lip Balm
    Jab that sucker repeatedly until one of the frogs becomes a human woman. Talk to her; she gives you a sword to take all the way back to the Tourney. This one mostly sucks because sometimes you get the girl on the 3rd kiss, and sometimes it takes you 20 minutes.

After you're done being an Aspirant, you get to become a Valiant! Being a Valiant is... an awful lot like being an Aspirant. Except for the Weapon quests, the quest are all different, but the concept of "collect seals over time" is still there. Now you become a 'champion' for your home city, and you need to do 5 days worth of dailies to finish that.

Quick breakdown of the Valiant quests. In addition to the random-cyclical nature of the Weapon quests discussed above, you will always get these quests, every day:
-- Joust 3 NPCs right outside your circle tent.
-- Kill 10 Converted Heroes. Your map will show you where they are.
-- Kill the Lieuts and Gargoyles and Footmen waaaay down on the south end of the zone. This one is sort of like jousting... but with more enemies coming at you. At least Lieuts are soloable now.

After the 5th day, you will be asked to go to the little circular jousting area that's just north of the square tent (way to the west) and fight... the Argent Valiant.

  • Sanna's Tip: All those NPCs you get to joust every day? Turns out if you group with a friend (or technically even if you don't group), they can attack your jousting target. You should equip the lance, get the mount, shield up, and 'awaken' the NPC; your friend does not equip the lance, stays off the mount, and just... dpses the dude. The primary job of the mounted person is to get the shields off the NPC being jousted; let your friend take care of the doing-dmg part. This works for both the 3-npc jousting dailies from the round tent, and also for the 4-npc jousting dailies you get later from the square tent.

HOWEVER. This does NOT work for the fight against the Argent Valiant. In fact, if anyone other than you, grouped with you or not, does even 1 point of damage to your Argent Valiant, he will despawn and you will have to start all over. Fortunately, you only fight him 5 or 6 times, when you're done with each of the cities' dailies. Unfortunately, if you get too accustomed to having someone DPS your jousting npcs for you, this fight could be really difficult.

When you're done with that, grats, you've championed your first city. Now pick another city and start all over. Whee. Also, go talk to Trueheart again (there's a quest to talk to her), and she gives you an Argent Squire. The Squire is a little non-combat pet, a human or an orc boy, whose sole purpose in life is to follow you around any time you want, displaying a city pennant for you. On foot. In the cold. While you're on one of your shiny mounts. His parents were probably killed by the Scourge, and he probably thinks you're the most awesome dude since sliced bread. Either that or he's plotting to kill you while you're logged out.

... Moving on.

Trueheart also gave you some Champion Seals! And now you have access to more dailies that also give you Seals. Seals are, more or less, the main reason why anyone deals with Tourney. (The other one being, it's a great way to gain home city rep without having to turn in skidrillions of stacks of runecloth or do lvl 10 oldworld quests.) Seals buy a variety of things: a smattering of ilvl 200 gear; a small but potent array of ilvl 200 epic weapons; non-combat (and droppable) pets; and pricey, soulbound, coveted mounts. Most mounts are land mounts, but there are 2 hippogryphs. If you place any value in having many mounts, start saving your seals now. The pets, being droppable, are usually available on the AH, or you can get them later. Either way, these dailies are great xp and great money.

A couple of things to buy with seals that are pretty awesome, but only available for purchase after you finish all the cities:
Argent Crusader's Tabard - a 30-minute-CD port to the Tourney grounds, which does not share CD with your hearthstone.
Argent Pony Bridle - Give your squire a horse! Also, once every 4 hours, he will turn into a vendor or give you access to your bank or mailbox, for 3 minutes. 150 seals is a lot, but if you really want it, plan ahead and it won't be too bad to save for it.

At this point, the new Seals quests that have opened up to you are, briefly, as follows:
-- 4-jousting, aka, jousting the cheating Champions in the big rectangular area on the south side of the tourney grounds. It is STRONGLY recommended that you have a friend for this, unless you're just uber and crap. I hate 4-jousting, and I'm good at it. But I still hate it.
-- Killing 3 Commanders in that same area where you kill the Lieuts. Also highly recommendable to group for this.
-- Killing 15 Cultists; this can be done to the north-west of the tourney grounds.

At some point around here, you will be offered the quest chain starting with The Black Knight of Westfall? I believe one of the NPCs in the square tent gives you this. Yes you have to run to Moonbrooke. Yes, in Westfall. Do it anyway; it eventually allows you access to the Chillmaw daily, which is 2 seals. You do have to joust the Black Knight but he's such a pansy.

The nice thing about the Chillmaw and Commanders quests is, you can often find people in /1 who are looking to group for them too. /1 LFG TFA/COMM is something you will see fairly often, especially during more peaky-playing times.

So, repeat the 5-days-5-dailies and keep doing all the Seals quests available to you. After you finish all the cities, you'll get a couple new Seals dailies available. Also, you are COMPLETELY done with Weapon quests! Yay! (They have been replaced by cycling quests that occasionally take you to Storm Peaks. Still not as far away as that freaking ice weapon quest.) So, just keep doing Seals dailies and rake in the cash (by now you're probably long since 80).

But that's kind of a long way into the future. What else can you do as soon as you hit 77 and get your shiny CWF?

I will cover that... in the next post! I'm 77 Now What? Hodir.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Addons: FactionsFu

Addons: FactionsFu
Current Wowcraft build: 3.3.2.

I like to grind factions (at least on my main). I like to link factions to zones, so any time I'm in Dalaran, I can see my Kirin Tor rep (back in Shattrath, it was Aldor). In Stormwind, I can see my SW city rep. I like to easily see what my faction standing is, displayed clearly and with colors in my ChocolateBar. I like to link my current standing with any given faction into my chatbox with shift-click.

I like FactionsFu.

(A glimpse of my shaman's faction list... as you can see, she is my alllllllllt.)

"But Sanna," you ask, "why are you recommending a Fubar addon when you've already expounded on how dead Fubar is?"

Because I can't freakin' live without this addon. I use Fubar2Broker to make it display on my CB. Elkano, who wrote FactionsFu (Curse has the far more recently updated file), is, in theory, working on an LDB version. But the last timestamp on that was a year ago, and it's in 'alpha' anyway. FactionsFu still works for me. I love it. I'll let you know if it breaks irreparably and what I've found to replace it. But darnit... this addon is just too awesome.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Gear List: Warrior Tank, New 80

Gear List: Warrior Tank, New 80
Current Wowcraft build: 3.3.2.

[If you see this message in brackets here, it means I do not consider this post complete. This will take a while to finish.]

Some people believe that gear lists put blinders on players, leading them to believe that ONLY this gear is the right gear and you need to have all of it in order to be a good insert-class-spec-here. If you put blinders on yourself because of this list, it's your own fault. I'm going to assume you're intelligent enough to make good gear decisions; the purpose of this (and any other) gear list is to give you an idea of where to go to get what you need.

Gear List: Warrior Tank, recently 80. Primary goal: obtain defense plate.

Preface note: do what you can while leveling to get your Argent Crusade rep to at least Honored and your Wyrmrest rep to at least Revered and if possible (though perhaps difficult unless you're planning ahead) Ebon Blade to Honored. If you plan from at least level 74, you can accomplish this before you ding 80. If you do not, you should at least guarantee yourself to have Friendly standing so you can purchase the appropriate tabard and run lvl 80 regular or Heroic dungeons until you gain the appropriate rep.

Quest Rewards - to be acquired and retained while leveling
[to be added soon; accepting suggestions (with wowhead links) in the comments!]

Argent Crusade (Wowhead link)
Need Honored for Pants: Special Issue Legplates - 14 defense

Wyrmrest Accord (Wowhead link)
Need Honored for Cloak: Cloak of Peaceful Resolutions - nearly 9 defense
Need Revered for Chest: Breastplate of the Solemn Council - 15 and a half defense
Need Revered for Feet: Sabatons of Draconic Vigor - nearly 12 defense

Knights of the Ebon Blade (Wowhead link)
Need Honored for Feet: Toxin-Tempered Sabatons - 7 defense

Tourney gear - bought with Champion Seals
Al of the faction vendors in the tent on the east side of the Tourney grounds have the same basic gear list; only the faction-specific items like mounts and pets and tabards vary.
Feet: Stanchions of Unseatable Furor - nearly 7 defense, 10 seals
Shield: Teldrassil Protector - [defense], 25 seals

BOE Items - likely to be found cheap on your AH
[to be added soon; accepting suggestions (with wowhead links) in the comments!]

Crafted Items - find a guildie to make it, or be prepared to shell on the AH
Tempered Saronite gear is an attractive starting point for plate with Stam, Str, and Defense, especially if you find yourself nearing 80 and haven't done much other preparation for setting up a tank set.
Tempered Saronite Legplates, Tempered Saronite Belt, Tempered Saronite Breastplate, Tempered Saronite Boots, Tempered Saronite Shoulders, Tempered Saronite Helm, Tempered Saronite Bracers, Tempered Saronite Gauntlets.
The Saronite Bulwark
[to be added soon; accepting suggestions (with wowhead links) in the comments!]

Regular Original Dungeons (needless to say, if you see any of this drop while leveling, even if you're leveling as dps, try to get it, and then keeeeeep it.)

Old Kingdom -
Jedoga, Chest: Battlechest of the Twilight Cult - 12 defense

Azjol-Nerub -
Anub'arak, Ring: Signet of Arachnathid Command - 3 and a half defense

Drak'Tharon Keep - nothing tanky here.

Violet Hold -
Erekem, Cloak: Screeching Cape - 7 defense
Xevozz, Shield: Riot Shield - 4 and a half defense
Zuramat, Pants: Void Sentry Legplates - 11 defense

Culling of Strat -
Meathook, Feet: Slaughterhouse Sabatons - 7 defense
Salramm, Cloak: Flowing Cloak of Command - 5 defense
Mal'Ganis, Shield: Leeka's Shield - 8 defense

Gundrak -
Gal'darah, Ring: Gal'darah's Signet - 7 defense

Halls of Stone - nothing tanky-with-defense here.

Halls of Lightning -
Volkhan, Sword: Eternally Folded Blade - 4 and a half defense
Loken, Trinket: Seal of the Pantheon - 13 defense. Bolded because this is the trinket you will be running regHOL a million times over to obtain.

Utgarde Pinnacle -
Svala, Bracers: Svala's Bloodied Shackles - 5 and a half defense
Gortok, Chest: Reanimated Armor - 9 defense
Skadi, Neck: Amulet of Deflected Blows - 5 defense

Oculus -
Mage-Lord, Belt: Girdle of Obscuring - 6 defense
Eregos, Helm: Helm of the Ley-Guardian - nearly 14 defense
Eregos, Ring: Dragonflight Great-Ring - nearly 8 defense

Heroic T7 Dungeons - The Heroic versions of the dungeons that shipped with Wrath, organized roughly in increasing difficulty as my memory supports.

Heroic Nexus -
General, Cloak: Cloak of the Enemy - 8 and a half defense
Telestra, Helm: Arcane-Shielded Helm - 7 defense
Keristraza, Shield: Bulwark of the Noble Protector - 6 defense

Heroic Utgarde Keep -
Keleseth, Sword: Infantry Assault Blade - 6 and a half defense
Ingvar, Ring: Unsmashable Heavy Band - 6 defense

Heroic Violet Hold -
Ichoron, Gloves: Gauntlets of the Water Revenant - 11 and a half defense
Cyanigosa, Pants: Bolstered Legplates - 16 and a half defense

Heroic Drak'Tharon Keep -
Trollgore, Feet: Terrace Defence Boots - 8 defense
Tharon'ja, Chest: Ziggurat Imprinted Chestguard - 10 defense

Heroic Gundrak -
Drakkari Elemental, Shoulders: Pauldrons of the Colossus - 6 defense
Moorabi, Helm: Ground Tremor Helm - 12 and a half defense
Gal'darah, Gloves: Horn-Tipped Gauntlets - 10 defense

Heroic Culling of Strat -
Salramm, Bracers: Bindings of Dark Will - 5 and a half defense
Chrono-Lord, Pants: Legplates of the Infinite Drakonid - 9 defense
Mal'Ganis, Neck: Pendant of the Nathrezim - 5 defense
Mal'Ganis, Shield: Royal Crest of Lordaeron - 10 defense

Heroic Halls of Stone -
Maiden, Ring: Woeful Band - 5 defense
Sjonnir, Chest: Sun-Emblazoned Chestplate - 12 defense

Heroic Halls of Lightning -
Bjarngrim, Shoulders: Iron Dwarf Smith Pauldrons - 7 defense

Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle -
Skadi, Belt: Skadi's Iron Belt - 8 defense
King, Sword: Red Sword of Courage - nearly 8 defense. THE sword you want to farm for. Hit up HUP every day until this drops, and put Mongoose on this baby. This will be what you start raiding with.

Heroic Old Kingdom -
Nadox, Ring: Nerubian Shield Ring - 4 defense
Jedoga, Neck: Shadowseeker's Pendant - 6 and a half defense
Volazj, Bracers: Bracers of the Herald - 6 and a half defense

Heroic Azjol-Nerub -
Hadronox, Trinket: Essence of Gossamer - 111 stamina. Technically no defense. Pick it up anyway if it drops. Stam is yummy!
Anub'arak, Belt: Ancient Aligned Girdle - 9 and a half defense

Heroic Oculus -
Drakos, Ring: Band of Torture - 5 and a half defense
Varos, Axe: Cloudstrider's Waraxe - 6 defense
Eregos, Pants: Ley-Guardian's Legguards - nearly 16 defense

Why I'm not including TOC, HTOC, and the T10 dungeons on this list:
This list is aimed at new 80s. Yes I have the harder heroics on here, and no you probably won't be tanking those right off the bat. But this is, almost entirely, a list containing ilvl 200 gear with defense on it. The primary purpose of this list is to show you that there is TONS of defense gear available to new 80s, and that you should probably use AtlasLoot's wishlist function to make your own, smaller, in-game list of gear you desire to pursue.

Tanking is, in my opinion, the best job in the game. But you HAVE to have 535 defense to tank Heroics and 540 to tank raids. Hopefully this list will point you in many good directions of where to go to get what you need to do what you want to do.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Addons: Elkano's Buff Bars

Addons: Elkano's Buff Bars
Current Wowcraft build: 3.3.2.

Some people really don't like countdown-style bar timers on their screen. Personally, I hate not being able to see the buff name and I hate not knowing how much longer is left on it. Thus, I love Elkano's Buff Bars. By... Elkano!

When you first install Elkano's Buff Bars (Curse|Wowinterface), the bars will be HUGE on your screen. Honkin' huge. Right click on one of the anchors and choose 'Scale', and set to like 75%, or 65%. Or you can manually edit every little option, if you're super OCD. (Hey, some of us are X D.) It comes automatically with Buffs&Tracking, Debuffs, and TEnch (temporary enchants, stuff like fishing lures or shammy weapon buffs). Personally, I usually move tracking over to TEnch, just because I like it that way. Leaves more room in the Buffs bar for the important things.

But! The real power comes in the fact that you can make your own bar for just about anything.

I made a bar for 'pets/vehicles'. In the right-click options, I choose Target > Pet, and Filter > Type > Buff and Debuff. Now, any pet I have (especially good for hunters and locks) can see what's affecting your pet. And anyone who is ever in a vehicle can see the good and the bad. It's great for that Wyrmrest daily in Coldarra so you can keep up with how many stacks of the Rejuv you have on yourself. Also good for the Maly fight if you're a healer.

When I'm tanking raids, I 'steal' this bar and make it my FocusDebuff bar.
Target > Focus
Filter > Type > Debuff only
For fights like Gluth in Naxx and Gormok in TOC10/25, I can focus the other tank and see their debuffs, and taunt appropriately.

I also have an un-scaled down bar (not pictured above) into which I filter "buffs that are more important than other buffs", like Battle Shout, Comm Shout, Replenishment, those two arms 'buffs' that let me use overpower and execute, things like that.
Filter > Whitelist > Buff > choose your buffs.
I believe the buff will need to have been applied to you once this session before you can choose it the first time; once checked, EBB won't forget between sessions.
Usually short term buffs that I would need to know when they've been applied to me (the 2 arms buffs) or when they've fallen off (the shouts). Since you can hide the anchor if you desire (top option in the right click menu), it really doesn't get in the way at all.

I also made an bar for Target > Target and Filter > Type > Debuff and then select things like Rend and Mortal Strike. I shrunk it down way small and put it over my Target Unitframes. It's rare that I'm in a situation where there's another arms warrior applying Rend or MS, so often I can tell "need to reapply Rend!"

I recommend you check out EBB, especially if you're the kind of person that identifies buffs (or missing buffs) better by name than icon. Also it's such a versatile little addon, you can probably modify it to show you all kinds of useful things, depending on what all your class does. Try it out!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Addons: Overachiever, Achieved

Addons: Overachiever
Current Wowcraft build: 3.3.2.

Here's an addon that is on the list of Addons that Might Not Fit Your Playstyle. If you're not a person who puts a lot of stock in getting achievements, you might not find this one useful. However, if you're like me and like to chase achievements, this is definitely an addon for the List of Addons You Should Love Too: Overachiever by Tuhljin.

I originally found Overachiever (Curse|Wowinterface) way back before Blizzard locked the Achievements Display frame into their Objectives thing. I was looking for an addon that would allow me to display 2 achievements on the screen at the same time (now you can track multiple achievements in the Objectives Tracker, but you couldn't then), and I downloaded Overachiever at first based solely on the ability to move my tracking-progress achievements to another point on the screen. Turns out Overachiever is about a skidrillion times more awesome than that.

Where to start?

Overacheiver makes the Achievement box (Y or Shift-Y, depending on your keybindings) moveable.

Overachiever has a Suggestions tab (suggestions for uncompleted acheivements based on your current zone) and a user-generated Watch tab (currently this tab is not split per character; if you Watch an achievement on one character, it will be viewable by all chars on your account).

Overachiever will add certain things to the mousover-tooltips of certain in-game characters, npcs, and world items. Need to feather a dwarf rogue? Mousing over a dwarf rogue will display a red line in your tooltip. Already put snow on a drae priest? The tooltip line is green. Haven't loved a squirrel yet? Red line. Already killed a spider? (Good for you.) Green line. Need to read this book for Well Read or Higher Learning? Red line. Already done it? Green. (The holiday ones are toggle-able in the options, so un-feathered dwarf rogues aren't telling you HEY I NEED FEATHERS in like July X D.) I believe it will allow you to attach a sound (from a pre-set list of game noises) to the situations where you find a red line, so if you're in Dalaran looking for a freakin' Undead Warrior, mousing over one would play that sound. I don't play with that particular option, but maybe you would find it interesting.

This image is from the Wowinterface download page for Overachiever, and clicking the link will take you to that page, which also has other great screenshots of Overachiever in action:

Overachiever will also tell if you if you have or haven't eaten a food yet, but it does not query the server for this information, so when you first install it, it will tell you that you haven't consumed a food or a water that you know you've drunk a hundred times already.

Overachiver will tell you what comes next in chain-achievements. (That is also a link to the Wowinterface image.)

Tuhljin also wrote an addon called Achieved! (Curse|Wowinterface) Achieved! is a small addon who's sole purpose is to allow you to move the just-completed-an-achievement frames around on the screen, and also increase the duration that they are on the screen. It also works on the Random Dungeon Completion frames.

I love having Overachiever, and if you like achievements, I really feel you will find this addon a wonderful help.

Monday, March 8, 2010

How to: Install Addons

How to: Install Addons.
Current Wowcraft Build: 3.3.2.

I debated if i should title this "how to: installing addons" or "how to: install addons." I'm too tired to go into the grammatical differences, but yes I'm aware that either way, it just doesn't sound quite right. So I opted for the title that would make the shorter URL.

I thought about writing up a post on how to download and install addons. Then I went, wait, NoStockUI already did it just fine.

The single addition I would make to their post is that I would say: I have a certain folder on my HD into which I save all the .zip files when I download them. That way, a) they are timestamped so if an addon has been updated, I can tell by comparing the dates so I don't waste bandwidth by DLing a file I already have, and b) if I ever have to do that horrible thing where I have to delete my whole ui and start over, I don't have to re-DL everything, it's already there.

So if my Wowcraft folder is
I might have a folder like
So I always know where to save the .zips and where to find them.

Other than that, the NoStock UI post did a bangup job. Check 'em out. b^_^b

Addons: GarbageFu

Addons: GarbageFu (For Broker)
Current Wowcraft build: 3.3.2

Granted, I admit I'm addicted to my addons. Some addons, like Altoholic, do so many things that being without them feels like a punch to the gut. GarbageFu is an addon that, when I'm without it, feels like a paper-cut... small, perhaps, but a complete and un-ignorable pain.

GarbageFu manages your garbage for you. It does this in two small but wonderful ways.

First: when you visit a vendor, it gives you a button at the top that looks like the Windows Recycling Bin icon, and if it's not greyed out, that means you have grey crap you can sell. Click that Bin and all your grey stuff is vendored without you having to think about it.

Second: if you have an LDB display addon, GarbageFu will display your free bag slot count over your total bag slot count (mine above is 29/104), and color code it slightly according to "green = lots of space, yellow = medium space, red = not much space at all." Mousing over GarbageFu will bring up a popup window like you see there. If I were out in the field and I had no bag space and I needed to loot something, I could easily see what the cheapest grey in my bag was; GarbageFu will organize top to bottom from cheapest to more expensive (according to how much you could get by selling to the vendor). I can shift-leftclick whatever item I want to delete and GarbageFu will make it disappear out of my bags.

You can add things to the list of "what comes up to be shift-deleted;" for example, I added Normal Food (any non-buff, non-conjured food, ie Salted Venison), so if I have that in my bags, I can elect to shift-delete it. I have not yet found a way for Normal Food to be included in the sell-everything-with-a-click list yet, but even still.

Never having to poke through my bags when I'm at a vendor and go "keep keep keep sell sell keep keep sell"? Awesome. Being able to quickly and easily delete the cheapest item in my bags? Awesome beyond awesome.

Now....... to confuse you.

Technically what I have is Fubar-GarbageFu (Curse|Wowinterface). I got my copy from the Curse link.... the Wowinterface link is horrifically out of date, and I'm mostly just including it because I'm kind of OCD. As was mentioned previously, the Fubar language is going out of style like whoa. However, since some Fubar addons still work, I also run Fubar2Broker (linked at the bottom there), GarbageFu shows up on my ChocolateBar. Best of both worlds! \o/

There is also GarbageFu for Broker (Curse|Wowinterface) that apparently does the same thing as Fubar GarbageFu, without the need to run F2B. If you believe the comments on the Curse page, it may or may not be broken right now... or perhaps just broken for a few people? There is also Broker Garbage (Curse|Wowinterface) that appears to serve the same function with slightly different form. I have not played around with either of those specific addons.

But there's 3 things for you to play with. Short post for a small but osm addon!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Addons: AtlasLoot

Addons: AtlasLoot
Current Wowcraft build: 3.3.2

Usually I write up posts and go over them a bit to polish them before I post. For example, I have at least four posts in the polishing stage, because I feel like I can't get them quite like I want them ^_^. This one is coming a bit off the cuff. (Ooh, livin' wild.)

It was mentioned in our guild forum today that people should not forget about the awesomeness that is (barely) contained in the websites Wowhead and Wowwiki. These sites are both database-style information sites about Wowcraft, similar to Thottbott (sp?) but more... user-friendly, in our opinions. If you're looking up specific information about something -- an item, a crafted item, an npc, a quest, especially if you know something about it already, usually a name or even a part of the name -- then Wowhead will quickly tell you what you need. If you want more qualitative information about general concepts -- what's the spell hit cap? what's a good JC leveling guide? I'm just now rolling a pally for the first time, what are the differences in the specs and how should I gear? -- Wowwiki, being a wiki, has a lot of user-generated and -edited and -polished content. They both have their uses, and each site has things that it does better than the other; you can't really completely value one over the other. But the post reminded me...

To remind you about AtlasLoot!

AtlasLoot (Curse|Wowinterface) is a loot browser. Have a level 30 rogue and want to know which Scarlet Monastery bosses drop upgrades? Look up each of the SM wings and get a list of drops. Tooltips allow you to easily compare to your currently equipped gear. Just hit 80 and want to know what dungeons you should run for upgrades while you're saving EOT for your T9? You can look all that up.

But geez, you say, all those upgrades from all those different dungeons. I'll never remember all this.

Here's the awesome part I just discovered: AtlasLoot allows you to make Wishlists. Yeah yeah, I'm sure I'm months* behind a bunch of people in knowing this. But this is seriously cool.

(* - ok, my guildies say "at least like a year." shrup. I was tanking. >_>)

Install AtlasLoot (note to self, make a how-to on how to install addons). Open the game. At first, it should prompt you to 'customize your AtlasLoot experience', which you should do. I usually click 'Make Loot Table Opaque' and 'Show Comparison Tooltips.' (There's a small chance that there will be an icon with a little brown chest hanging around your minimap. But wait, you installed Chocolate Bar, you don't want stuff clinging to your minimap! In the options, click 'Hide Fubar Plugin' and I think that makes it go away.)

Click the AtlasLoot icon in your Chocolate Bar to open AL. In the lower left-hand corner, you'll see the Wishlist button.

Click that Options to be taken to the game's Interface options. Expand the AtlasLoot options and choose Wishlist.

(The above image is significantly wider than my current layout; you may want to open this link in a new tab with Ctrl-Leftclick so you can see the whole thing.)
I just now realized that so far, I've been talking about my addons in alphabetical order. Heh. Anyway. Click that "Add Wishlist", choose an icon, name it, then click the "Add Wishlist" that's next to "show more icons". Voilia, a wishlist.

Now, browse to anything you want to 'bookmark'. I chose the ilvl 245 non-set hit cloth pieces, as well as some other random stuff to just shove into a wishlist to show you want it looks like. When you get to the piece you want to save, Alt-Leftclick and it will give you a little drop-down menu similar to the first picture up there. Mouse over 'Own Wishlists', choose your list, click, and poof. Added.

To access your lists, do like the first picture but choose Own Wishlists and then your list. AtlasLoot divides the gear by acquisition, like such:

To remove an item from the wishlist, Alt-Leftclick the item and it will be gone immediately.

Now tell me: how freakin' handy is this! Why did I not know about this when I was gearing my warrior and my priest?? Augh! I'll just try to not think about it. I know about it now, and now you do too.

This addon was super-handy to begin with, and it became even MOAR handy right now. Get it, use it, love it, and tell your guildies. Too. Freakin. Awesome.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Addons: LDB, ChocolateBar

Addons: Lib Data Broker intro, Chocolate Bar

As I understand the story, it went like this: first there was Titanpanel, and it was written in a certain coding language, and many people used it, so many addon authors made addons that worked with Titan. Then there was Fubar, and it had a different coding language that was apparently less memory-intensive. Some people left Titan and went to Fubar, and some people picked up Fubar who hadn't used Titan. And some addon authors wrote addons that plugged into Fubar. Then Titan broke, and there was much QQing, and many more people went to Fubar, and the number of Fubar addons exploded. And for a while, Fubar was a golden child. Then, for a reason I'm unclear on, Fubar died a sudden, heavily-lamented death... for a new coding language had come to town, and that coding language's name was Lib Data Broker.

Titanpanel was resurrected in its new and improved form, built on LDB. Fubar, despite its beloved status, continued to wither away, as the Fubar author decided he was not going to attempt to make Fubar work with LDB. Many Fubar plugins were allowed to languish, although some continued to be updated.

LDB is not an addon itself. LDB is a language that addon authors can use to make addons. The power of LDB is that an addon author is not required to devote an entire section of code to displaying their addon; they can rely on the fact that you, the user, is going to have a display addon, such as TitanPanel, Fortress (Curse/Wowi), or Chocolate Bar (Curse/Wowinterface).

Personally, I like Chocolate Bar the best. Why? I can make it look like Fubar used to look; small black bars on the top and bottom of my screen that hold my other addons.

Rather than perform any actual functions themselves, these bars 'hold' and display other addons that do the stuff you want them to do. Maybe you would find Chocolate Bar useful simply so you can get all those buttons that crowd your minimap /off/ your minimap; as you can see, all my Altoholic, DBM, AtlasLoot, AutoBar, EBB, Omen, ORA2, etc, all these icons are no longer cluttering up my screen, but are displayed properly for easy viewing and easier access.

(And for those of you who have Fubar addons you can't live without -- I totally do, and I'll post more on them later -- there's Fubar2Broker (Curse/Wowi), which will allow your Fubar addons to work through whichever LDB display you choose. LDB is a solid coding language, but its new, and there isn't yet the spread of addons to choose from like there was for Fubar.)

Even the LDB displays I mentioned above aren't the only ones out there. Try a few, see if you like one more than the other. It's a great way to keep the information and addons you need at your fingertips without sacrificing screen space.