Addons: Elkano's Buff Bars
Current Wowcraft build: 3.3.2.
Some people really don't like countdown-style bar timers on their screen. Personally, I hate not being able to see the buff name and I hate not knowing how much longer is left on it. Thus, I love Elkano's Buff Bars. By... Elkano!
When you first install Elkano's Buff Bars (Curse|Wowinterface), the bars will be HUGE on your screen. Honkin' huge. Right click on one of the anchors and choose 'Scale', and set to like 75%, or 65%. Or you can manually edit every little option, if you're super OCD. (Hey, some of us are X D.) It comes automatically with Buffs&Tracking, Debuffs, and TEnch (temporary enchants, stuff like fishing lures or shammy weapon buffs). Personally, I usually move tracking over to TEnch, just because I like it that way. Leaves more room in the Buffs bar for the important things.
But! The real power comes in the fact that you can make your own bar for just about anything.
I made a bar for 'pets/vehicles'. In the right-click options, I choose Target > Pet, and Filter > Type > Buff and Debuff. Now, any pet I have (especially good for hunters and locks) can see what's affecting your pet. And anyone who is ever in a vehicle can see the good and the bad. It's great for that Wyrmrest daily in Coldarra so you can keep up with how many stacks of the Rejuv you have on yourself. Also good for the Maly fight if you're a healer.
When I'm tanking raids, I 'steal' this bar and make it my FocusDebuff bar.
Target > Focus
Filter > Type > Debuff only
For fights like Gluth in Naxx and Gormok in TOC10/25, I can focus the other tank and see their debuffs, and taunt appropriately.
I also have an un-scaled down bar (not pictured above) into which I filter "buffs that are more important than other buffs", like Battle Shout, Comm Shout, Replenishment, those two arms 'buffs' that let me use overpower and execute, things like that.
Filter > Whitelist > Buff > choose your buffs.
I believe the buff will need to have been applied to you once this session before you can choose it the first time; once checked, EBB won't forget between sessions.
Usually short term buffs that I would need to know when they've been applied to me (the 2 arms buffs) or when they've fallen off (the shouts). Since you can hide the anchor if you desire (top option in the right click menu), it really doesn't get in the way at all.
I also made an bar for Target > Target and Filter > Type > Debuff and then select things like Rend and Mortal Strike. I shrunk it down way small and put it over my Target Unitframes. It's rare that I'm in a situation where there's another arms warrior applying Rend or MS, so often I can tell "need to reapply Rend!"
I recommend you check out EBB, especially if you're the kind of person that identifies buffs (or missing buffs) better by name than icon. Also it's such a versatile little addon, you can probably modify it to show you all kinds of useful things, depending on what all your class does. Try it out!
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